GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:郑舒心
Educators should base their assessment of students' learning not on students' grasp of facts but on the ability to explain the ideas, trends, and concepts that those facts illustrate. [Specific Task Instruction: Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the recommendation and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, describe specific circumstances in which adopting the recommendation would or would not be advantageous and explain how these examples shape your position.]
本题改编自老GRE的ISSUE28"Students should memorize facts only after they have studied the ideas, trends, and concepts that help explain those facts. Students who have learned only facts have learned very little"。题目的实质是讨论理论与实例,抽象与具体之间的关系。你可以分别考虑具体的实例和抽象的概念在学习中的作用,也可以考虑具体事例和抽象方法的特点和他们之间的差异,并分析哪些因素跟“学到东西”有关。
1. 你在学习中更愿意学习抽象的方法、概念、思想,还是学习具体的事例?为什么?请举例说明。
回答: 学习具体的事例。学习game theory(博弈论)的时候,如果只是记住特定的数学公式来理解会十分困难。在课堂上,老师会举博弈论在赌博、分糖果等人们日常活动的例子,让我们易于理解。
2. 抽象的思想和概念有什么特点?这些特点哪些对于学习有好处?哪些会给学习带来问题?请举例说明。
回答: 抽象的东西:只是literally,往往我只记住了公式,当然对于学校考试是很好应付的。但一旦叫我用所学的知识分析一个具体问题,就蒙了。(a student who majors in chemisty can have a better understanding of textbooks, but he may still confront problems for experiment.)
3. 具体的事例有什么特点?这些特点哪些对于学习有好处?哪些会给学习带来问题?请举例说明。
回答: 具体的例子:vivid,ecite students' interest.(让同学们觉得这些知识对生活是有用的,他们就会用心学)如果举的例子不恰当,会误导学生。
4. 在学习中如何做到“举一反三”?在这个过程中,抽象的思想和具体的事例分别起到了什么作用?请举例说明。
回答: 抽象的——有助于形成一个固定的知识框架。 具体的——有助于多角度思考。 例子:没想到。。。
5. 什么样的学习内容更适合学习具体事例?什么样的学习内容更适合学习抽象的思想?请举例说明。
回答: 具体事例:与现实紧密联系的,如经济学。(教同学们如何存钱,如何投资instead of 念概念) 抽象思想:严谨的学科,如数学、物理。(一旦举例不恰当,同学们不好理解)
6. 抽象概念和思想与具体的事例之间有什么关系?这些关系会如何影响学习过程?请举例说明。
回答: 具体事例是建立在抽象概念的基础上。 概念让同学们扎实学习,回归课本。 事例让同学们更好地掌握知识。
Nowadays, more and more teachers judge students' performance largely base on their final examination, which mainly measures their grasp of  facts in textbooks. Some students who have limited understanding of the general ideas of knowledge can get good grades, not surprisingly, for such judging standards. From my perspective, teachers should balance students' learning ability on facts and their understanding of ideas illustrates by facts together.
As is mentioned above, good grasp of facts can contribute to good grades in the final exam which dominants in students' school life. It makes less difficulty for students to remember facts just by staying up all night before the final exam. However, it's easy to find that students who have high GPAs aren't always those who make quick responses to teachers' questions. For example, a student who majors in chemistry may have a good understanding of principles and formulations in textbooks, but he can still confront many difficulties in experiment.So simply assess students' learning ability on mastery of facts doesn't make  sense, what they need is practical thinking pattern when they graduate.
That comes to another way to assessment---judging students' performance by their understanding of general ideas,trends and concepts which illuminated by facts. Such way of assessment makes up the limitation of judging by facts. Concrete examples, ideas related to facts not only incite students interests in learning new knowledge, but also serve as a good assessment to their learning ability. In this way, students can get rid of their rigid thinking pattern and master knowledge in a practical way. For example, students who take a "game theory" class, which focus on examples from real life should develop an acute sense of solving problems by game theory. So simply remembering the facts listed in the textbook is inefficient , what matters is that they can put their ideas into real life. For example, if they have to make a choice between A and B,they should be aware of each side of the choice: to take it or not, which require them to apply what they learn in class into making a decision. This ability means a lot in their future career. So if teachers measure students by examining their practical ideas of a question, it is more beneficial for their life.
Based on the statement above, simply judging students performance base on their  grasp of  facts in textbooks is not enough, teachers should  balance students' learning ability on facts and their understanding of ideas illustrates by facts together.
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