TOEFL 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:dameng1991
【IBT机经-2】Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: If children want to do well in school, parents should limit the hours of watching TV programs or movies.
1. 要想取得好成绩,孩子们自身应该怎么做,家长应该怎么做?那些成绩优异的孩子具备哪些品质?他们的家长都起了哪些积极的影响?请结合实例简述。
回答: 为了取得好成绩,孩子要上课认真听讲,按时完成作业,还要有比较好的学习方法,家长应该多给孩子鼓励,相信自己的孩子,同时,照顾好孩子的身体健康,毕竟健康是一切的前提 成绩优异的同学通常具有较高的学习能力和自控能力,一个学习好的学生会有自己比较好的学习计划,排除干扰,认真做自己的事情,而他们的家长也总是会给孩子提供很好的学习氛围以及让孩子积极向上的环境,比如说一个家里有很多藏书的家庭和一个父母总是赌博的家庭来说,肯定是家里有藏书的孩子的学习能力要高一些
2. 观看电视电影和孩子的学习间有直接联系吗?如果有,对孩子的学习起哪些影响?哪些有利于学习,哪些不利于学习?请结合实例简述。
回答: 有直接联系,现在电视电影已成为孩子主要的娱乐方式,孩子年龄又小,没有很强的自控能力,过长的时间消耗在电影电视上,就会必然的使孩子减少花在学习上的时间,而且,长时间的看电视可能会影响到孩子的睡眠,导致第二天学习的状态不好,长时间累计就会影响到孩子的学习,最重要的是,电影和电视中一些不好的东西会渗透到孩子的心灵中去,比如抽烟或是暴力,这些都极其不利于孩子的成长。 当然,看电视电影也有很多好处,比如让孩子缓解压力,同时,电视电影中很多好的节目可以拓宽孩子们的眼界, 帮助孩子学到很多他们无法在学校或课本中学到的东西。
3. 限制了孩子们看电视电影时间,能否帮助孩子们提高成绩呢?有哪些原因会使孩子们学习成绩下降?除了电影电视之外,其他的因素有哪些?请结合实例简述。
回答: 限制孩子的看电影时间,能帮助孩子提高成绩,因为,一方面,保证了孩子足够的学习时间,以及睡眠时间,提高了学习的效率,另一方面,在有限的时间内,孩子会选择去看高质量的电视节目和电影,从而对孩子的帮助更大
4. 电影和电视的内容都有哪些?哪些是孩子们能看的?哪些是不能看的?请结合实例简述。
回答: 动物世界,科技频道等帮助孩子拓宽眼界,动画片等不仅使孩子放松,同时还帮助他们塑造品格,比如说动画片狮子王,孩子就很容易从辛巴升上懂得要成为一个坚强,有担当的人。
5. 限制了孩子们观看的时间长度就可以了吗?孩子们观看的内容是否有必要限制?请结合实例简述。
回答: 家长在其他方面也要有所作为, 比如带孩子去游乐园等方式给孩子更全面的教育和培养。
should parents limits the time of children of watching TV or movie? some people hold the view that watching TV and movie contributes children much to relaxing and releasing their pressure from the study, however, the advantages claimed that watching TV and movie should be encouraged by parents is being debated which would be demonstated from three reasons as follows.the first reason why I agree that parents should limit children's time used for watching TV and movie is that much time being costed in watching TV and movie results in many disadvantages to children. on one thing, only enough studying time and high learning efficiency could ensure students acquire a satisfying grades,watching TV and movie for a long time not only take up much of time of students but also distorted their sleeping schedual which they have should go to bad but sitted in front of the TV instead. in this way, it is no doubt that decrease of students learning effiency due to lacking enogh sleeping time.however, with parents guidence, children could avoids those situatiuons happening/the second reason why I hold the view that parents should constain childrens time spending on watching tv and movie is that children are too young to control themselves. as a young child, we have not own the competance to totally control ourselves, which means we are desperately needed adults's protections and help. without adults guidance,going a wrong way would be as easy as we might not suppose before, on the one hand, watching Tv and movie cause great harm to children's eyes which force them to wear thick glasses at early age, what's more, not all the programes and movies are suitable to watch for children and would leads to harm influence on children if they do so, considerd those horrible influence, I strongly suggest parents should limit children's time on waching TV and movie.the this
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