TOEFL 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:wii
People do many different things to stay healthy. What do you do for good health? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
1. 你一般如何保持身体健康?描述一项运动。
回答: 我一般会通过jogging来放松自己。我觉得在保持均衡的饮食之后,必要的锻炼也是十分关键的。事实上,我们只通过一个方面来保持自己的健康。jogging可以帮助我释放一天的压力,它对我的肺有好处,并且会带给我好心情。在过去,适合跑步的平坦干净的广场比较少,万一碰上恶劣的天气,泥泞的道路连走路都困难。因此,现代先进的生活条件给我们提供的更方便的锻炼环境。让我们能够更健康的生活。
2. 你觉得这对你的身体健康有好处吗?为什么?
回答: xx
3. 你有没有中途停止过锻炼?结果怎样?
回答: 有的人会强调现在的快速的生活节奏会让现代人没时间锻炼,从而更加容易变得不健康。现在的生活虽然忙碌但是我们是可以选择我们的生活方式的。就我而言,我的确中途停止过锻炼,因为各种原因。我的健康状况恶化了,我开始变得没有以前那么有活力,并且很容易感冒,因为长期不锻炼让我的免疫系统变得虚弱了。后来我意识到了这点,所以我会尽量抽出时间来锻炼自己的身体。因为我知道预防疾病比治愈疾病要好的多。但是倒退几十年,人们仍然需要为温饱而担心,即便是因为过度劳累已经造成了严重的身体损害,又能怎么办呢?而且那时的人的平均寿命也比现在要短。所以,还是现在更容易让人保持健康。
4. 你觉得身体健康重要吗?为什么?
回答: 身体健康很重要,因为健康就是财富。现代的饮食研究比过去要发达很多,因此现在比过去更能保持一个均衡的饮食,而均衡的饮食是非常重要的。我听说以前人们只有在过年的时候才能吃上肉,在节日的时候才会买水果,而均衡的饮食要求这两样是每天必须的摄入成分(蛋白质和维生素)。不仅如此,在冬天新鲜的绿叶蔬菜是十分短缺的。而现在的人们可以到超市选购他们需要的各种食品和蔬菜,并且标签上清楚地显示了该食品的各成分的比例,含量。因此相比过去,现在的人更能够保持自己的健康。
These days,at so fast-paced society,health problems are becoming more severe.There are some skeptical views around thinking that people in the past are prone to be more healthy than people nowadays.As for me,I think it is not convincing,because the truth is the average longevity these days is much longer than that in the past.Therefore,I believe it would be easier for people nowadays to maintain healthy. 
Keeping healthy should never be overemphasized too much.Because health is wealth.As the studies of diet are more advanced than those in the past,it is more practical today to decide and keep a balanced diet.And it doesn't require much intelligence to realize this fact.I heard that decades ago,people have meat dish only around the New year time. Not only that,at that time,green leafy vegetables are very limited during winters.While balanced diet demand certain amount of protein and vitamin everyday.On the contrary,people in the modern world could wander around many supermarkets for necessary various kinds of food,what's more,they can see certain ingredients of them clearly.So,compared to the past,people nowadays are more likely to keep healthy. Also,the living conditions and basic foundations in modern society can provide better circumstances for our exercise.I personally prefer jogging to relax myself.I can take advantage of the large squares everywhere due to such squares are really common these days.However,people living at that time,decades ago,were lack of so comfortable places for exercise.Sometimes,long-time overwork had led to serious physical damage,but they have to insist themselves on working without enough rest to avoid childrens' starvation.In this respect,people nowadays tend to solve their healthy problems much easier. Some people would stress their opinions that because of the rapid development of modern society,people nowadays are busy in running their careers and pursuing other goals,having no time to exercise.So it's the modern lifestyle's responsibility to make people feel unhealthy.It's not convincing.We should notice that although life nowadays is busy and stressful,but we still have other choices when we are trying to deal with the healthy problems.While as I said,people in the past sometimes have no choice.For instance,as for me,I used to stop taking regular exercise during a very long period.Needless to say,I became less energetic,and had difficulty to concentrate very well.I became easy to be infected with flu for my weakened immune system.I recognized that and went for exercise.I stop finding excuses of ignoring exercising and I am fine now.Comparatively,what could people in the past do when they are in the shortage of necessities of living?Considering that,I think my view is correct. In conclusion,Taking all these factors into consideration,I am strongly determined that people nowadays will live more healthy and are more likely to stay healthy.And I want to encourage people to adopt a relatively healthy lifestyle because they say that prevention is always better than cure.
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