TOEFL 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:唐伯虎点蚊香
Some people believe that a college or university education should be available to all students. Others believe that higher education should be available only to good students. Discuss these views. Which view do you agree with? Explain why.
1. 你曾经或正在接受高等教育吗?你觉得它对你有什么影响?
回答: I am now a university student. It is meaningful to me because it broaden my eyesights and give me a chance get useful knowledge which is beneficial to my future.
2. 你觉得怎样才算是好学生?详细说明好学生的标准。
回答: A good student should have wide range of knowledge, independent thinking and good pratical ability. For example, a godd student of Computer Science should have all basic knowledge in Computer Hardware and Software, his own understanding on the development of Computer Industry and adept computer programming skills.
3. 现在学校里有你认为不好的学生吗?你觉得高等教育对他们有作用吗?用事例支持你的看法。
回答: There are students who do not pay attention on their academic studying but spend most of their time on playing games. In my opinion, higher education is useless for them because they do not use such education. For example, two of my roomates play computer games nearly every nights I come back from the library. They do not aware of the significance of the education they have now and never cherish such hard-earned chance to be educated. Even though they study in one of the best university in China, what they have learned in that four years is only playing computer games repeatedly.
4. 社会上没有接受过高等教育的人,如果有再教育的机会,他们会有进步吗?举出具体的事例。
回答: People who have never receive higher education may have progress if they receive again. But it depends on basic academic knonledge they have and the major they choose. If his high school knowledge is conduce to his future major, he would gradully find his own interest and devote himself in this field. For example, a student major in history will have a promising future if he have rich knowledge of history after his high school education. However, a student of science or engineering major with poor knowledge of mathematics may feel hard to study and be hopeless even give up eventually.
Whether university education should be available to all students is a hot topic. Some people consider college as popular education and others take it as an elite education. In my opinion, higher education should be available only to those good students.First, let's talk about what is a good student. A good student should have wide range of knowledge, independent thinking and good pratical ability. For example, a godd student of Computer Science should have all basic knowledge in Computer Hardware and Software , his own understanding on the development of Computer Industry and adept computer programming and applying skills. Whether a student could successfully use their higher education depends on the basic academic knonledge they have and the major they choose. If his high school knowledge is conducive to his future major, he would gradully find his own interest and devote himself in this field. For example, a student major in history will have a promising future if he have rich knowledge of history after his high school education. However, a student of science or engineering major with poor knowledge of mathematics may feel hard to study and be hopeless even give up eventually. Therefore, if a student does not have the solid knowledge, he had better find a technical school and pratice a kind of skills in order to find a better job.Furthermore, there are students who do not pay attention on their academic studying but spend most of their time on playing games. In my opinion, higher education is useless for them because they do not use such education. For example, two of my roomates play computer games nearly every nights I come back from the library. They are not aware of the significance of the education and they have never cherish such precious chance to be educated. Even though they study in one of the best university in China, what they have learned in that four years is only playing computer games repeatedly.Admittedly,  each student have their rights to enjoy higher education. But, it he is not a good student, it is better for him to find a techinical school which do not need the solid background knowledge. 
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