TOEFL 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:kathykira
Some people believe that a college or university education should be available to all students. Others believe that higher education should be available only to good students. Discuss these views. Which view do you agree with? Explain why.
1. 你曾经或正在接受高等教育吗?你觉得它对你有什么影响?
回答: 正在。 有很大的影响,改变了我的很多。 小到生活习惯:会看书了,知道学习的很多方法,怎么读书(先粗略读,再精读,再粗读) 大到思维方式:知道自己应该为自己负责;知道生活是立体的,我们应该处理好各个方面的生活
2. 你觉得怎样才算是好学生?详细说明好学生的标准。
回答: 1.学习应该优秀 2.有自己的兴趣爱好,并且做的不错 3.对待人要和善 4.心态是积极滴~
3. 现在学校里有你认为不好的学生吗?你觉得高等教育对他们有作用吗?用事例支持你的看法。
回答: 有 没什么太多的作用 因为有些学生不去上课,而大学又是个相对靠自觉的阶段,会造成很多问题。
4. 社会上没有接受过高等教育的人,如果有再教育的机会,他们会有进步吗?举出具体的事例。
回答: 会 比如我叔叔,在以前没有上过高中就直接工作,后来自学考上大学,对他今后的工作,生活都有改变。
The study in university differs to the general education.  It is the place where students get together learning and communicating. As an individual who are recieving the education in the University, I just want to say something about my onw opinion. In my concerned, these 4 years study in university gave me so much benefits. So I prefer if under the condition that everybody should recieve the university education.
First about all, university study tell you something asossiate with study. It can tell you some method for learning. In a semester,we may have many subjects to learn. Each professor would gave you some reading lists to finished in the limited time. It is important to learn how to fast reading and also absord useful information in that book.
What's more. University also cultivates your recognization of the world. When we enter the gate of university, we must learn to control ourselves. As time past, the feeling that you must take your own responsibility would become more distinct. That is because may be no one in school push you to do something as you at home. Forether more, it teaches you some skills before real get into the society. Skills which is very important would  lessen the error opportunities would happen in further life.
But, there must exists some student who is waste their time in university. We could see many students do not went to class. The only reason is to pass that part of game or finished that episode of TV show.
Though, there are someone who gave a reason that the so called bad students should not get the education in uniersity. For the first two reasons, I think university is the place that should open to everybody, just because we could learn so much in it.
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