TOEFL 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:SeanChang
【IBT机经-2】Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: If children want to do well in school, parents should limit the hours of watching TV programs or movies.
1. 要想取得好成绩,孩子们自身应该怎么做,家长应该怎么做?那些成绩优异的孩子具备哪些品质?他们的家长都起了哪些积极的影响?请结合实例简述。
回答: 很强的自控力 比如 初中时 班里第一的孩子总是以学习计划为重,在完成今天该做的事后才会想着玩 刻苦 总是班里第一个到教室的,考完试大家都在放松自己的时候,他仍然坚持学习
2. 观看电视电影和孩子的学习间有直接联系吗?如果有,对孩子的学习起哪些影响?哪些有利于学习,哪些不利于学习?请结合实例简述。
回答: 电视剧 很长 很占用孩子的学习时间 电影电视里有很多暴力色情内容影响孩子行为 校园打架 一些教育类节目 比如舌尖上的中国 百家讲坛 开阔视野 增长知识 娱乐类节目 放松身心
3. 限制了孩子们看电视电影时间,能否帮助孩子们提高成绩呢?有哪些原因会使孩子们学习成绩下降?除了电影电视之外,其他的因素有哪些?请结合实例简述。
回答: 不一定 孩子们也许会产生叛逆心理 心不在焉学习没有效果 对学习没有兴趣
4. 电影和电视的内容都有哪些?哪些是孩子们能看的?哪些是不能看的?请结合实例简述。
回答: 一些教育类节目 比如舌尖上的中国 百家讲坛 开阔视野 增长知识 娱乐类节目 放松身心
5. 限制了孩子们观看的时间长度就可以了吗?孩子们观看的内容是否有必要限制?请结合实例简述。
回答: 内容要限制
In recent years, education has become an issue that parents concern most. Since TV programs and movies are available to children easily, many parents  limit the hours of watching TV programs or movies , in order to ensure their children's good grade. However, I believe that parents should not restrict children's time to watch TV programs or see movies.
First of all, if children want to do well in study, they have to be diligent and hard-working. Parents are not supposed to blame TV programs, if their children get a poor grade. For example, when I was in high school, the best student in my class is Dave. He was always the first one to get to class and the last one to go. When we finished an exam, most of us would relax ourselves by chatting with others or having a walk in the playground. However, Dave never did that, and he just sat quietly on his chair to summarize the exam.
Secondly, some of the TV programs and movies are educational. Children can learn what is not covered in class from these programs and broaden their horizons. For example, the TV program of Baijiajiangtan can provide children with a huge amount of history knowledge. By watching programs like this, children can have a better understanding of our country's culture and history. The series of fiction movie Harry Potter can expand children's imagination. They also pass a sense of justice on to the children.
Finally, TV programs and movies are not the only distraction for children. Although watching a TV series may occupy too much time for children to study, computer games are more harmful. Heavy exposure to computer games may cause children get addicted to the virtual world. 
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