TOEFL 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:syangnemo
【IBT机经-22】Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: The best way for parents to make the children learn about responsibility is to have children care for an animal?
1. 结合实际,请简述你是如何理解责任感的。
回答: responsibility includes many aspects, including moral respinsibility and social responsibility, and so on. In my opinion, responsibility is a power which forces you to finish your work or your duty. For instance, you are on duty today, and you are also very tired. At this moment, the responsibility will force you to finish your job, cleaning up the office and making sure that the door and windows are closed before you leave.
2. 责任感对人们的工作生活有什么影响吗?请结合具体事例简述。
回答: A man with responsibility always has a great efficiency. because they will not leave the work until tomorrow. Meanwhile, a man with responsibility has a healthy living habit. since he can arrange his work reasonablly and finish it on time. furthermore, employs like to hire responsible employees, because they can finish his job whatever mission you arranged for him.
3. 孩子的心理特征有哪些呢?你觉得是否有必要让孩子了解责任感呢?请结合具体事例简述。
回答: children are curious about this world, I am afraid they cannot understand what is responsibility. For example, when I was four years old, there was a time that I locked up the door, and my father wanted to come in, so he told me carefully about how to open the door, but 10 mins latter, I gave up and left him out side the door. Even though my fater placed blame on me after he came in, I still thought it was not my failt.
4. 照料小动物需要做些什么呢?它和责任感有什么必然联系吗?孩子能否胜任这项任务呢?请结合实际简述。
回答: taking care of a little animal you need not only responsibility but also patience since if you feed a dog, you must bath it once a week. If it catches a cold, you have to take it to the hospital. Hence, If you are not a man with patience, you maybe feel anxious about it, even you may abandon it. Generally, the child will ask help from his parents. Isn't this occation cultivating the dependency of our children?
5. 培养孩子们的责任感除了照料小动物以外,还有其他的方法吗?请结合实际说明你选择其他方法的理由。
回答: we can give them a mission which is easier to finish, rather than a pet. we should teach our children that they have to finish it independently but rather asking help from parents. So it is required that our parents must realize which kind of mission-children can finish it alone-fits our chilren,and that we can supervise our children to finish it in time.
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