TOEFL 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:syangnemo
【IBT机经-35】Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: All school teachers should be required to attend courses every five years to update their knowledge.
题目是关于教师培训的问题,比较好理解。为了更好地分析这个题目,不妨把句子划分成三个简单的成分“all school teachers(所有的学校老师)”、“attend courses(参加课程)”、“update their knowledge(升级更新他们的知识)”,然后思考下面三个问题:1、是否所有科目的老师都必须上课来提升教学质量;2、除了上课之外,是否有其他方法能够提高教学质量;3、升级更新教师的知识储备对于教学质量会产生什么影响。分析好这些问题对于分析这个题目会有很大帮助。
1. 请结合实际简述,哪些因素会影响到教学质量?
回答: the relationship between students and teachers. the teaching skills of a teacher. the pressure of teacher and their emotional state and mood.
2. 教师的知识储备适应性教学质量的关键性因素吗?请结合实际说明你的理由。
回答: It is important for teacher to undated their knowledge. I still can remember that my high school teacher did know Dolly when he was illustrating the colon technology. I thought he lacked the necessary expertise, partly because of he did not get a sufficient preparation before class, but principally because he had not update his knowledge. Therefore, I think requiring teachers to attend courses every five years is necessary.
3. 用于课堂教学的知识会很快的更新,还是会比较稳定?请结合实际简述。
回答: Although the knowledge they obtained from coursed maybe update rapidly, I still hold the opinion that this training can arouse the awareness for teacher to improve their expertise. It just like that we cannot forbid the slaughter of wildlife by a activity out side the zoo, but at least we can arouse the awareness of public to protect the wild animal.
4. 你觉得哪些课程必须要求老师及时更新知识,而哪些别的科目就不必做出这个要求?请结合实际简述。
回答: biology, because the development of biology is rapidly. Meanwhile, chemistry especially in analytic chemistry is also developing rapidly. I was a student whose major was biology and chemical biology. ```
5. 接受新的知识对课堂教学将产生哪些影响?请结合实际简述。
回答: the class will become more vivacious than before, since the teacher can provide you some latest knowledge about knowledge. furthermore, you can communicate with your classmate, exchange the opinions about these novel technology. For example, there are some debate among scholars about colon technology, you can discuss with your classmates whether you support it or not.
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