GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:偏执狂.
[Claim] Many problems of modern society cannot be solved by laws and the legal system. [Reason] Laws cannot change what is in people's hearts or minds. [Specific Task Instruction: Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the claim and the reason on which that claim is based.]
[观点]现代社会的很多问题无法用法律或司法系统解决。 [理由]法律不能改变人们心中和思想中的事物。 [说明]写一篇文章,讨论你同意或反对这个观点,以及支持观点的理由达到怎样的程度。
本题为老GRE考试中两个题目的综合:ISSUE180 "Many problems of modern society cannot be solved by laws and the legal system because moral behavior cannot be legislated" + ISSUE178 "It is possible to pass laws that control or place limits on people's behavior, but legislation cannot reform human nature. Laws cannot change what is in people's hearts and minds"。因为涉及的是比较抽象的话题,所以在论述过程中务必把论点阐述清晰并给出充足论证,回避言之无物的问题。同时可以把思路放开,在不同环境、时间和地点,可能会有不同的效果。
1. 法律解决了哪些社会问题?是如何解决的?是哪些因素引起并影响着这些社会问题?请举例并简述。
回答: 盗窃,人身伤害,诽谤,等等损毁他人和集体的利益,破坏社会安定和谐的行为。这些因素咎其本源还应来自于人类本性,劣根性。盗窃是因为贪婪,伤害他人是因为邪恶和自私。
2. 人们的思想动态和天性有什么关系?思想都受哪些因素影响?
回答: 心理领域中,人的思想分成三种形态:本我,自我,超我。本我就是人的天性,而社会施加于人的要求塑造了自我。因此人的思想受到社会规范,文化,习俗,等所处的社会形态的影响。
3. 人类的天性都有哪些?这些天性中是否存在导致不良行为的原因?如果有,请举例并简述。
回答: 七宗罪(the seven deadly sins):傲慢 (Pride),嫉妒(Envy),暴怒(Wrath),懒惰(Sloth),贪婪(Greed),饕餮(Gluttony),以及贪欲(Lust).归根到底,是人性的自私和贪婪导致了这些不良行为。
4. 法律是如何发挥其作用的(可从现实以及心理两方面考虑)?
回答: 法律不仅是在实际行为上给人们设了限,惩恶扬善,维持社会的安定, 也在心理上面给人们立了一个好坏的标准,告诉人们什么行为是对的什么行为是不对的。
5. 人类的天性是否可被改变?如果不能是为什么?如果能,哪些天性会被哪些因素改变?
回答: 人的天性是不可能被改变的,是随着人类的产生而伴随来到,深植于我们的内心。我们能做的,只是尽量克制自己天性中恶的一部分,表现善的一部分,以符合人类社会的规范,促进社会稳定与和谐。
[Claim] Many problems of modern society cannot be solved by laws and the legal system. [Reason] Laws cannot change what is in people's hearts or minds.
Most problems in the modern society is caused by the evil part of human nature, which is summerized as selfishness and greed. Laws and legal system are two of the various methods that are used to restrain this evil part and ensure the stable and continuous development of human society. Therefore, it is unreasonable to take laws and legal system to solve those problems in our society-that is eliminating the disadvantages of  human nature, whcih is currently impossible-instead, the functions of laws and legal system should be impose restrictions on human behavior and set a moral standard at the mental level for people.
To begin with, for the reason that many problems in the modern society are caused by the inherented evil of human nature, and based on the fact that the humen nature could not be removed by the existing science and technology, those problems could not be solved from the origin. In the religious world, human beings has seven deadly sins and could be summerized as selfishness and greedy, which is the ultimate source of the ill deeds of people. For example, theives stole things out of their greedy for fortune; murders kill people out of their eager to protect or benefit themselves by sacrificing others' lives, this is selfishness; rapers rape out of their selfishness for satisfying themselves by violating others and their greedy for sexual happiness. These problems exist through out the progress of human civilization, have never been solved.
Moreover, laws and legal system, as means to control people's behavior, are used to confine those evils in our hearts and encourage the promotion of the virtuous parts in our human nature; rather than trying to obliterate those black dots.
On one hand, laws and legal system restrict people's ill deeds by punishing those wrongdoings. The legal provisions set rules that if one violate the rights of other people or groups, he or she should be punished according to the degree of his or her crime. The punishment could as serious as capital sentence or as slight as warning. For example, thieves should return the money and be imposed a fine if the amount of money he or she has stolen is not so great to put him or her into prison, therefore restrict his or her greedy nature for fortune. Murders would be penalized based on the judgement of their reasons for murder, if he or she killed people for benefiting themselves, a death sentence would be carried out to restrict his or her human nature of being selfishness by sacrificing others' lives.
On the other hand, laws and legal system establish a standard of right and wrong in people's mind by setting the provisations of prohibited behaviors. By telling people the punishment of those wrongdoings at the first place, laws and legal system are actually setting borders for people to manage their behaviors mentally. Because we are told by laws that stealing is would be punished, we take it as a wrongdoing. Because we are told that killing people would be forced to pay back by our own lives, we take murder as a serious wrongdoing. We are told that our evil human nature would be punished by the laws and legal system, therefore we would avoid ourself from committing what we consider as crimes and suppress our selfisheness and greedy.
In conclusion, problems always bothering people from the ancient times to the modern world. They are rooted in the human nature and cannot be wiped out at present. Hence, what requires more attention is not whether laws and legal system could solve these problems or not; rather, what we should attach more importance to is how to perfect the laws and legal system, combined with the social convention and culture, for the purpose of setting obstacles to the human evil deeds and taking full advantages of the virtuous human nature to ensure the well-originized and stablized progress of human civilization.
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