TOEFL 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:木果果
How do movies or television influence people's behavior? Use reasons and specific examples to support your answer.
1. 你喜欢看电影或电视吗?描述一部你最喜欢的电影或是电视节目。
回答: 你喜欢看电影或电视吗?描述一部你最喜欢的电影或是电视节目。
2. 你从电影或电视中学到了什么?
回答: 你从电影或电视中学到了什么?
3. 这些学到的东西对你的行为有什么益处和弊端?
回答: 你从电影或电视中学到了什么?
4. 如果没有电影或是电视,人们的生活会有什么改变?
回答: 你从电影或电视中学到了什么?
5. 电影或电视节目这种文化产品在人们的生活中起到什么作用?
回答: 你从电影或电视中学到了什么?
Do you agree or disagree this statement? If child want to do well in school, parents should limit the hours of watching TV programs or movies.   When it comes to improvement grades of children, such questions arise: Do the child actually need parents supervison? Does watching TV programs or movies for children really threaten their performance in school? As far as I concerned, parents supervison on children’s spare time is unnecessary in most cases.   First of all, for the purpose of obtaining well performance in school, children should guarantee that they are whole-heartedly devoting themselve into study in their class. That is to say, the critical part of getting high grades is paying attention to the teacher’s lecture. If a child developed a good habit of listening carefully in his class, his/ her perfomance, no doubt, is not fall below their parents expectations. Under this circumtances, the inervene of parents, which limit the hours of watcing TV programs or movies, seems to be unreasonable.   Besides, TV programs and movies contain plenty information and provide extensive knowledge to audience. In a national survey, it reveals that television programs and movies could extend children’s knowledge, guide children’s to learn knowledge expansion, and even stimulate their potenial desire of learning. Sometimes, it could help children to have a better understanding of the knowledge which learnt in school. For example, a child learnt a kind of incect in his biology class, and then he watched a seires of TV programs which introduce the incects world at home. The vivid scenery of programs gives him a brandnew impression of incect. On the contrary, if parents not allowing them to watch TV programs or movies, but forcing them learning at home, children gradually trapped into the tedious world of blindly reading books. Such cycle will undoubtedly detrimental to their creativity and imagination.   Finally, TV programs and movies offer children a leisure time of their daily life. It will probably hinder children from developing in an all-round way when lacking such time. Consider this siuation, children must follow their parents instructions: the only way to get success in study, is to keep learning either at home or at school. In this case, on one hand, keep studying for a long time is not good for children’s health. Also, by doing this, it will lead a undesired results of study effect. We can imagine how boring and helpless they are. Meanwhile, it breeds weariness of learning and awareness of rebellious. Therefore, the ideal way for parents to cultitive children is setting no barriers. What’s more, accompanied their children to watch television programs or movies in the appropriate range of time will certain helpful to children’s physical and mental health.   In sum, I think parents should be based on the actual situation of their children, not deliberately limited their children’s time of watching TV programs or movies.
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