TOEFL 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:陈宗贤
How do movies or television influence people's behavior? Use reasons and specific examples to support your answer.
1. 你喜欢看电影或电视吗?描述一部你最喜欢的电影或是电视节目。
回答: Yes. inception is one of my favourite film. In the movies,the leading role and his friends enter into other people's dream to obtain information or change their minds.
2. 你从电影或电视中学到了什么?
回答: I learn a lot of knowledge from the movies or TV, such as histroy,culture, politics and so on. There also have many violent and erotic plot in them.
3. 这些学到的东西对你的行为有什么益处和弊端?
回答: I know more about the world. when I communicate with other people, I have something to say.
4. 如果没有电影或是电视,人们的生活会有什么改变?
回答: Many people will free boring when they are free.
5. 电影或电视节目这种文化产品在人们的生活中起到什么作用?
回答: They make people have a more abundant sparetime life.
In contemporary society, films and television is indispensable for people. Moreover, People seem to spend more and more time in watching television or see films. Consequently, there is no doubt that movies and television affect people’s behavior in many different aspects. Some influences are bad while some effects are beneficial. Movies and television bring some bad influence for people. Nowadays, many people, no matter the adults or the children, stay at home and watch TV or films for a whole day when they are free. As a consequence, those human, especially the children and young people, are likely to be shortsighted. Although those people can make up the defect with eyeglasses, shortsightedness still brings a lot of inconvenience to life. What’s more, people are lack of exercise because they spend plentiful time in sitting in the sofa to watch television and movies. Maybe they don’t feel that their physical health is getting poorer, but it actually do so. Movies and televisions still many bad impacts in   people, but their good influences are far-reaching. People obtain knowledge mostly through books before film and television are popularized. But now many educational programs can be found in the television, Such as the program which is called “animal world”. The program in the television combines knowledge with the lively pictures. That makes the knowledge easier to understand and attract more people to watch. What’s more, people can know what have happened in anyplace of the world timely. We don’t need to wait until the newspapers are published. At the same time, movies and television promote the development of science and technology. Consumers are more and more picky in the productions. In order to capture the eyes of consumers, the manufactures of film and television equipments have to produce more competitive productions. Consequently, the technology will progress. Television and films bring different kinds of influence to people, regardless of good or bad. But I think that the good effects are profound to the course of human events. And the bad influence can be reduced if we use it in the right ways.
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