TOEFL 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:lxl_981
Some people say that the Internet provides people with a lot of valuable information. Others think access to so much information creates problems. Which view do you agree with? Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.
1. 你平常使用因特网时,它提供的信息能满足你想要的吗?举例说明。
回答: 能够满足。比如说我想去某个地方,可以上网查地图怎么去,还有我想去某家餐馆,我可以在网上得知他家的招牌菜是什么还有人均消费大概多少。
2. 有没有信息过多的情况?这会给你带来什么麻烦?
回答: 有。信息过多的时候自己反而感到困惑,拿不定主意。
3. 你认为因特网上的信息应该改变一下风格吗?怎么改?为什么?
回答: 应该,不能什么信息都能发布,别随便发布,避免给他人带来困惑
Now,Internet is popular with the world,you can conntect your friends everywhere in the earth.It is the most useful invention for human.We use internet for studying,entertainment and keeping in touch with other people.Some one agrued that the Internet provides people with a lot of valuable information. Others think access to so much information creates problems.As far as i concerned,i agree with the former one.
The first reason I want to put forward is that we know the lastest news through the Internet.It is the fastest way.Even the breaking news you watch in television would get the information from the Internet.Such the nature disaster.We would get the first information Japan undergone terrible earthquake.The goverment would put out the news on their offical web.So we could know the situation in Japan after disaster.Also we can keep in touch with friends or relatives.
The second reason can not be ignored is that the Internet makes our life more convienent.For instence,I want to travel to other cities.Through Internet,i can book the cheapest air tickets.Moreover, i can find a hotel not only cheap but also the location is well.The Internet will tell me the famous sense in that city and the delicious food the city have.When i get the city,the information help me save lots of time and money,it makes me feel more happy.
However,everything have its two sides,there are some necgtive effects on the Internet.Altough it can provides much useful information but some of those are wrong even misguided people.We know the sociability communication webs are predomient in the world.If someone feign news attack goverment.The people will easily be confused and do not support their goverment seriously.So it will disturb the society even the whole country.
Although the fake news can not be done a thorough cleaning,but with the development of technology.The problems will be solved step by step.The invention of Internet is meaningful.It just like a part of our body.
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