GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:Eva_651
Some people believe that government funding of the arts is necessary to ensure that the arts can flourish and be available to all people. Others believe that government funding of the arts threatens the integrity of the arts. [Specific Task Instruction: Write a response in which you discuss which view more closely aligns with your own position and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, you should address both of the views presented.]
写一篇文章,讨论你同意或反对这个观点,以及支持观点的理由达到怎样的程度。(Claim – Reason) "本题为两道老GRE的ISSUE题目综合——ISSUE101 ""Governments should provide funding for artists so that the arts can flourish and be available to all people""和ISSUE85 ""Government funding of the arts threatens the integrity of the arts"".本题讨论政府应当对艺术采取的行为以及其目的和作用。 第一种观点中:对于题目中的前半句,可以从政府扶持艺术的正面与负面作用以及对艺术“物质、精神”两层次的影响去展开分析。对于后半句,可以从政府行为的必要性以及人们不同的需求层次上进行论述。 第二种观点里:给出的观点认为政府资助对艺术的纯洁性造成了威胁,具有负面作用。本题的分析可以从物质需求和精神追求两个角度展开,需要注意以下三点: 1、单词解释——Integrity一词比较有争议,这里选取韦氏字典中纯洁性的解释:firm adherence to a code of especially moral or artistic values : incorruptibility 2、逻辑关系——无论是正面作用还是负面作用,都要建立在“政府”和“艺术”之间,不要跳出限定范围。 2、选取例子——梵高等人已经被用烂了,这个题目和艺术有关,小说、电影、音乐、绘画等都可以包括,有很多事例是可以使用。"
1. 艺术的蓬勃发展需要什么基础?艺术如何让所有人都可以接触到?(可以从物质和精神两方面来思考)
回答: 1物质生活的满足来动了精神生活的需求 2有广泛的传播渠道,让艺术进入人们的生活 如大众媒体(电视,电影,网络,报纸,广播),各种展览馆,博物馆,书籍,影音材料 3人们的文化水平和受教育程度 艺术鉴赏能力的提升,修养道德的提升 4政策上,鼓励艺术创作的自由,文化传播的环境相对宽松.
2. 政府资助艺术的目的是什么?对政府有什么好处?政府资助能满足问题一中艺术的哪些需求?
回答: 目的:1保护和发扬文化艺术,促进艺术展业的发展 2带动其他相关服务产业,比如说娱乐业,影视业,图书的出版等等,还可能带动旅游,增加全社会的收入和消费. 好处:1政府的思想和意识会可能在艺术作品中有所体现,影响社会思想流派. 2政府会通过艺术产业增加税收带来经济效益. 3可起宣传作用。如:美国二战海报,以直观而富有煽动力的图像和语言,鼓舞人民与侵略者斗争到底。 满足:1鼓励艺术创作,繁荣精神文化生活,满足人民精神需求 2艺术设备设施场所,即创作物质条件 3展示艺术的平台和交流宣传的渠道 4和国外优秀艺术人才交流经验的更多机会。
3. 政府资助对艺术会有哪些负作用?请结合具体事例简述。
回答: 妨碍艺术的自由表达,使艺术成为宣传国家意识形态与认同的工具。 政府希望艺术创作能够体现政府希望看到的社会价值观,并认为与主流价值关冲突的作品是不该被接受的。没有自由创作环境的艺术是不会走向繁荣的。比如说当代中国很少有在世界范围内文明的艺术,主要是因为中国政府对艺术的封锁。中国虽然是人口大国,但确实文化小国。典型的最近上映的TITANIC,clip 被剪短,破坏了电影的表现力,但这只是政府以传统道德标准为借口的行为。 政府的资助会间接影响艺术的创造力和创作的自由,影响艺术多元化.政府的选择重点支持的艺术的某一方面,不一定是正确的. 比如:在严格限制的黑暗时代(dark ages),宗教的支持的艺术反映了当时生活的主题,religious domination.艺术表现的较为单一,但是之后的文艺复兴时期(renaissance art)随着宗教政府的逐渐弱势,画家开始让艺术充满了自己的感知和人文主义(humanism)色彩,并且逐渐与宗教的神性(deity)相区别,更加多元和关注个人
4. 艺术在获得政府资助之后,相对于之前会有什么样的变化?这些变化有哪些是正面的,哪些是负面的?
回答: 正面:艺术界会产生各种各样的作品,会呈现出量的变化,由于资金的支持,会使更多的人了解最新的艺术.同时有些作品的质量也会提高,表现在制作的精良,比如电影场面的华丽. 对于一些原来不太被人接受的艺术作品艺术流派来说,比如京剧,在接受了政府的资助后,可能才有生存下去的动力,才能有机会被大众所接触到。 负面:艺术的多样性会受到威胁,总体的政府偏爱的主题会增加,艺术的自由创造性会受到威胁.艺术的发展不平衡.
5. 是否存在为了保持艺术纯洁性而拒绝政府资助的事例?是否存在接受政府资助之后丧失艺术纯洁性的事例?如果有,请简单描述事例。
回答: 有一些艺术本身不需要资助, 比如街头艺术, 如果给了他们钱,他们就不卖艺了,这种艺术形式也会消失。 地下电影就是为了保持艺术纯洁性而拒绝政府资助,虽然政府不支持这些电影在公众间传播,但是那些导演还是没有放弃自己的艺术追求。 cultural revolution.只允许特定的艺术题材(不论songs还是dance,drama全都是歌功颂德的),极大限制了艺术的发展 中国画画家齐白石的拒绝成为政府中的官员,拒绝了政府的资助,保持作画的主题的自由开放(depict mice, shrimp, or birds).
6. 艺术的纯洁性是指什么?包括那些方面?怎样的行为就属于威胁或者丧失艺术的纯洁性?
Some people believe that government’s financial support render the arts booming and widespread, others believe that government funding of the arts inhibit the growth of arts. In my view the primary requirement for the arts is their integrity must be protected form government’s control,though the arts need enough financial supports which government are capable to satisfy.   Admittedly, government can serve as a tool to amass enough money for the using of arts from all aspects and provide all kinds of stages for the arts to present. By the financial supporting, various fresh works are produced in quantity, available to let more people get in touch with the arts, through exibitions, TV shows, movies or music albums. At the same time, the quality of these art works are definitlly far more delicate through sophisticated production, such as a magnificent scene in a movie needing a large cost. Moreover, under some circumstance, government support can save the arts. For example, various traditional chinese operas, which is hardly accepted by people, especially young people nowadays but precious cultural heritage, escape from vanishing with the help of gorvenment. CCTV even sets up a opera channel to preserve and spread this traditional art.   Aside from the foregoing benefits can gorvenment render to the arts, however, wheather this treatment, as to developing the arts as a sort of industry for interest and high popularizing, is the suitable way of development for the arts is worth to be doubted. As we all know, the taste of people for the arts differs from person to person that for the public, perhaps, they don’t need so much information of every sort of art. Combined with the potential adverse effect that widely publication can lead the arts into worldly and mundane condition, the role government play involving the development of the arts must be questioned.   The most significant impact that government places on the arts is undermining the integrity of the arts. Considering the property of the government, it is not hard to understand that one of the purposes of government’s support is guiding the social mainstream ideas by embeding the wills of the government to the art works. Government expect that art works can reflect the social values conducive to its leadership and consider the works including contents that against the mainstream value as the works should be banned. For instance, many movies were cliped , like Titanic, and many were even banned when played in the cinema in China. This undue intervention of government heavily limit the free presentation of the arts.   In sum, the nature of the arts call for more a free creative environment than a large amount of money. Hardly can the arts go towords real flurish, without the right of expressing the artists’ real notion.
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