GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:阮伟亮
There is little justification for society to make extraordinary efforts—especially at a great cost in money and jobs—to save endangered animal or plant species. [Specific Task Instruction: Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the statement and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, you should consider ways in which the statement might or might not hold true and explain how these considerations shape your position.]
本题为老GRE的ISSUE121 "At various times in the geological past, many species have become extinct as a result of natural, rather than human, processes. Thus, there is no justification for society to make extraordinary efforts, especially at a great cost in money and jobs, to save endangered species"缩减版。题目讨论人类是否应该花费大量的人力物力来拯救濒危物种。因此,可以考虑“无论是否是人类活动影响了物种灭绝,我们都应该(不应该)……”这样的思路。
1. 你知道哪些濒危物种?如果他们灭绝,会对人类造成影响么?如果会,那么是什么影响?
回答: 大熊猫 东北虎 华南虎 白鳍豚 藏羚羊 会 人们只能从书本上看到他们长什么样了 对一些科学研究 比如生活进化 物种起源 不利 因为失去了一些标本
2. 在网上查查看,人类为了保护某种濒危物种,大约需要花费多少人力物力?给出具体的数据和例子。
回答: 东北虎 住房问题:为了人工饲养东北虎 盖虎园 以10头东北虎为例 大约得盖 5至7间房 一间房子就算三千成本费 仅盖房一项 人民币 一万以上: 吃饭问题:老虎吃肉 还得是牛肉和羊肉 最次也得是猪肉 牛肉就算20元 0.5公斤 一只老虎 一天平均五公斤 就是200元人民币 十只老虎一天就是 2000元 一年就是 60万人民币 人工成本:一位饲养员 一月至少1500元 管吃管住 就算 2000元 一年就是2.4万 十位 就是24万 至于医疗成本 水电费 暖气费用 先不计算 一个虎园 10只老虎 10位饲养员 一年的成本 至少就是 85万
3. 物种灭绝会带来哪些问题,这些问题有什么解决方案?是否需要花费大量的人力和物力?
回答: 使物种多样化 程度降低, 对寻找治疗一些不治之症的药物不利 因为大自然本身就是一个天然宝库 许多不治之症的有效药物往往是天然物质, 对研究 物种演变 生物进化 的学者 不利。 防止物种灭绝 对一些濒危物种进行保护 设立自然保护区 进行人工繁殖 这些必然需要花费大量的人力物力财力。
4. 如果把拯救濒危物种的钱和人力等花在别的地方,你认为可以对人类做出哪些贡献?尤其是,这些贡献是否可以消除物种灭绝带来的影响?
回答: 挽救 非洲灾民 使失学儿童可以上学 让病人看得起病 即使大熊猫这种物种 灭绝 他也只不过是 自地球上有了生命以后 许多灭绝的物种之一 虽然地球很年轻 但已有几十亿年的历史了 在这样长的时间里 有许许多多的生物由于各种各样的原因 灭绝了 再少一种 只不过在这些数字里又加上了一个 所以 这些贡献可以使我们人类这个种群 得以更好的繁衍 而对于其他种群不一定有利 但如果 这些种群的灭绝 是因为我们人类的原因 我们为什么不能与其它种群和谐相处呢? 只要他们不伤害我们 我们与他们就可以和谐相处 从这个意义上讲 这个贡献 不能写取消物种灭绝带来的影响。 有空得查两个问题 1 大熊猫除了上述提到三点 还有那些价值 需要我们必须去保护这个物种? 2 大熊猫 处于濒危状态 其中有多少原因 是人类的责任?是否 物种多样性 的价值 大于 适者生存的自然法则?
5. 人类的拯救行为效果如何?请举例说明。
回答: 现在中国已经建成大熊猫五大自然保护区 人工繁殖超过 200头 野生大熊猫超过 1000头 其中已确定秦岭大熊猫 为大熊猫的亚种 还相继发现白色大熊猫 和 棕色大熊猫 这些都极大丰富了大熊猫的种类 使大熊猫的整体数量得以提高 使野生大熊猫有了更多的栖息地。
        Coincidental with someone appealing to save the endangered animals or plants species is the development of economy. Whether the human activities influences the extinction of species, society should not make extraordinary efforts—especially at a great cost in money and jobs—to save endangered animal or plant species.         The extinction of species engenders some questions, but the solution to these questions needs to spend extraordinary effect in money and jobs. The extinction of species involves the decreasing of biodiversity and disadvantage of seeking the medicine to treat the cancer as well as disadvantage for researchers who study the origin of species and evolution of species. If society wants to prevent the endangered species from extinction, it needs to set the natural protecting areas and proceed to birth the species in the method of human. These must cost a lot in money and jobs. Tiger is the prime example of this.  The cost of one tiger home which has ten tigers and hires ten employees is at least 850 thousand Yuan in one year.  It includes the construction of living room for tiger, the meat fees for feeding tiger and the salary of the employees.       If put the money and jobs which are used to save the endangered species on the other place, it can contribute to human beings in many aspects. Especially, these contributions can eliminate the impact brought by the extinction of species. In Africa, many people die for hunger because they have no food. If society uses this money to buy the food and send it to the hungry people so that many people can survive. And in some mountain area of China, many students can not afford to go to school because of poor. In China, one collage student only needs ten thousand Yuan which includes the tuition and living fees in one year. If we spend the money which is used for protecting the tiger on the students. Many students can benefit for this. And some disease can be cured by a medicine which only costs one dollar. However, many patients in Africa have no money to buy this medicine.         Even if panda becomes extinct, it is only one of many extinct species since the earth has life. Although the earth is very young, it has a history of several billion years. In such a long time, a number of species die out because of diverse reasons. If reduce one more, it will add one on a large numbers. Because the most essential need of human beings such as the need of survival is the most important, these contributions can eliminate the impact brought by the extinction of the species,         Although somebody think that society should make extraordinary efforts—especially at a great cost in money and jobs—to save endangered animal or plant species, whether the human activities influences the extinction of species, society should not make extraordinary efforts—especially at a great cost in money and jobs—to save endangered animal or plant species.    
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