GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:阮伟亮
Government officials should rely on their own judgment rather than unquestioningly carry out the will of the people whom they serve. [Specific Task Instruction: Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the statement and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, you should consider ways in which the statement might or might not hold true and explain how these considerations shape your position.]
1. 描述一件民众意愿没有得到政府支持的事情,并分析为什么政府不支持这件事,为什么民众有这样的意愿?
回答: 民众想把中石油 中石化 这个公司私有化 或者 开放石油领域 让外国公司进来 从而达到 降低汽油的价格的目的。 政府在石油这个领域 目前是国有化 控制这个行业 目的是控制这个行业 保持稳定 虽然价格不会那么低 但也不会高到让人买不起 所以不支持开放式与这个领域 让外国公司进来。 民众 本身是消费者 希望价格低一些 自己得到利益 另外 上网一搜 美国93号汽油 多少钱?一看是中国的一半 然后就希望 中国的93号汽油 也是这个价 所以才有这样的愿望。
2. 民众在提出意愿的时候通常会考虑到哪些因素?这些因素会对政府官员的决策带来什么问题?请举例说明。
回答: 一般是自身的需求 比如 生存需求 穿衣 吃饭 住房 医疗 教育等 当民众自身的需求 与 政府官员的决策一致时 这是促进 当不一致时 会有所干扰 甚至是有所阻碍 例如 今年中国教育部 提出 异地高考的方案 就说考生可以在非户籍地所在地区 参加高考 举个例 我家是黑龙江省的 但我今后可以在北京市参加高考 但 北京市民集体反对 这项措施 为什么呢? 这样会让北京地区的考生的利益受损 会使一些人在这项措施实施后所带来的竞争中有可能被淘汰 所以北京市民才反对 实际是典型的地方保护主义 事实上 中国教育部的这项措施 有利于一些学生 他们大多是 农民工 或者在城市打工的子女 他们的户口所在地 虽然不在这所城市 但他们在这里生活了很多年 有的甚至长达十几年 为这所城市的发展做出了很大的贡献 但是他们的子女 没法参加中国的高中升入大学的考试 有的连参加除中升入高中考试的机会也没有 固然 如果这项政策生效 以北京市为例 会有一些考生会因为竞争而失去一些上好大学的机会 但 于此同时 农民工的子女 可以有机会接受教育 最起码给与他们一个公平竞争的机会 让他们不输在起跑线上。
3. 政府官员在做出决策时会考虑民众意愿么?通常他们会考虑哪些因素?请举例说明。
回答: 有时会 比如 中国的汽油价格 今年有两次下调 就是考虑到老百姓觉得汽油价格贵 买不起油 同时国际油价较低 在保证利润的前提下 适当调低了油价。
4. 政府官员依靠自己的判断力或完全服从民众的意愿在做出决策时会有什么好处?会有什么问题?请分别举例说明。
回答: 完全依靠自己 好处在于 不会有干扰 更不会有阻力 中美建交 毛主席 高瞻远瞩 以发展的眼光看世界 1972 要请尼克松访华 从其 中国翻开了崭新的一页 坏处: 有时难免 目光短浅 有些狭隘 老北京城 有四座城门 现在总是申报 非物质文化遗产 是明清时代的古城墙 至少有好几百年的历史 结果 给拆了 修建了现在的二环 当时梁思成 和林徽因 等一大批知识分子强烈反对 甚至 梁思成跟当时的北京市长吴晗 都拍桌子了 但结果无济于事。 完全服从民众的意愿 好处: 顺应民情 老百姓拥护 例子 今年 中国山东省 在节假日 除机场高速外 全部高速公路 全部免费 既缓解了节假日已缴费而带来交通拥挤 又还富于民 大快人心 坏处: 民众有时由于 没有受到过精英教育 没有丰富的海外留学背景 目光有时难免狭窄 看不清一些问题 例子 中国的一位教授 每年在全国人大时 都会提交一份议案 要求同性婚姻合法化 但每年都没有通过 在网上有很多人在骂她 神经病,其实同性婚姻 在世界上已经有六个国家 宣布同性婚姻合法化 而且迟早有一天中国政府会宣布 同性婚姻合法化。
5. 政府的职能是什么?官员和群众分别在政府职能中充当什么样的角色?他们有什么责任和义务?请举例说明。
回答: 制定公共政策 服务于人民 官员实际上是公仆 为人民服务的 群众有表达自己要求的权利 同时不做无理的要求 中国山东省济南市 广播电台有一档节目叫政务监督热线 口号 倾听市民心声 解决市民问题 实际上 也确实帮助老百姓 解决了很多问题 有一次 有一位 在济南务工的人 打电话 问他子女上学的问题 正好 相关教育局的官员在场 就为她详细的解答了这个问题 根据解答 问题就可以得到解决 如果在平时 不会这么快 这么准确的解决问题 这个平台 很好解决这个问题 有助于两者之间的沟通。
Coincidental with people acquiring to say their willing is the development of society.  I think that government officials should rely on their own judgment rather than unquestioningly carry out the will of the people whom they serve.     The function of the government is to make the public policy and to serve their people. Actually, the government officials are the servant for people and the common people have the right to address their acquisition as well as do not ask the unreasonable acquisition. A good example of this is a program of radio station called the hot line of supervising political affairs at Jinan, China. Its purpose is to listen to the voice of the citizen and resolve the problems of citizen. In fact, it helps the common people solve many questions. At one time, one cleaner at Jinan phones to the radio station to ask the question about his children going to school. The relevant officials of education are just present. And officials answer his question carefully. So the cleaner's problem will be solved according to the answer. This program provides a good way in which the officials and common people can well communicate with each other and solve the problems quickly and effectively.       The people usually consider some needs of themselves to speak their wills. The needs involve the eating and clothing as well as education and medicine care. When the needs the common people have do not coincide with the policy of the government officials, the former could interfere the latter, even impede the latter. For example, education agency of China gives a case called the reforming of Chinese college entrance examination that students could attend exam in the area of non-ID card. My hometown is in Heilongjiang Province, but I can take exam in the city of Beijing. However, the citizens of Beijing all oppose this measurement. Why do they object this? Because this will make the native students of Beijing lose some benefits and make some persons become loser in the competition brought by this measurement. So the Beijing citizens strongly oppose to this measurement. In fact, this is a typical local protectionism. This measurement of Chinese educational department is beneficial for some students who are almost the generations of farmer-workers or people working in the city. Although the ID of these students are in this city, the parents of these students live in these cities for many years, even for more than a decade and contributes a great efforts on the development of these cities. But their children do not have right to attend the exam of entrance into university and some of them do not also have the right to attend the exam of entrance into the high school from middle school. I admit that if the measurement works out, putting the Beijing as an example, some students lose some change of going into the good universities. But the outgrowths of the farm-workers could have change to accept the high education and at least society gives a change of fair competition to not make them fail on the beginning lines.          It has benefits that the government officials rely on themselves justifications to make decisions and government officials relying on the will of people unquestionly  to make decisions have disadvantages. The former one's benefits are that do not have interference or hinderer. In 1972, the China and the United States become friends because the Mao Zedong stood higher and saw further and used the developing view to look the world. Since that year, China opened a new page. The later one's disadvantages are that the common people do not accept the elite education and do not have the rich oversea background. Sometimes they are short sight and do not see some questions. For example, a women professor uploads a case every year, which asks for the supporting the same marriage. But she fails to pass every year. And many people insult her a crazy person. In fact, six countries have already assert the same sex marriage and the Chinese government could make the same sex marriage right sooner or later.        Although somebody thinks that government officials should unquestioningly carry out the will of the people whom they serve rather than rely on their own judgment, I think that government officials should rely on their own judgment rather than unquestioningly carry out the will of the people whom they serve.
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