TOEFL 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:chenyu
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Grades (marks) encourage students to learn. Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.
1. 成绩是否是衡量学生学习好坏的唯一标准?为什么?
回答: 不是唯一的标准。一个学生的成绩并不能代表这个学生的所有,比如说创造力,想象力,交流能力等,学习成绩只是其中的一方面,学习成绩不好的学生并不是不能获得成功,据我所知现在的很多企业家以前的学习成绩都不是很好
2. 成绩对于学生学习有何积极作用?
回答: 学习成绩确实可以鼓励一个孩子的信心,使他具有更大的雄心,好的学习成绩也可以让父母高兴,毕竟一个学生在学校的表现,学习成绩的好坏还是一个比较重要的因素。
3. 成绩会对学生的学习产生负面影响吗?表现在哪些方面?
回答: 当然会,有些成绩不好的学生在父母的逼迫下,不得不来到学校学习和考试,而且要考个很高的分,这些孩子本来就不爱学习,这种情况容易产生代沟,使得父母和子女之间不能很好的沟通。成绩不好,还会收到老师的批评,使得他们的心里不是很好。
4. 学生学习的动力有哪些?除了取得高分数,还有没有其它的?
回答: 这些动力可以来自学校也可以来自父母。父母和学校可以通过给一些奖励来激励那些不爱学习的学生
Grade exerts an imperative role in students lives, and becomes more and more important in encourating students to learn and study. So I am not all inclined to the topic in that high grade can urge students to have an incentive to do well in whole aspects of his lives, but if a students fail a exam or did not pass it, the grade will produce counterproductive influence on the students' physical or metal ability, that is it frustrates impetus or bring negative impact such as the abandonment of his studying, addict in the drug and alcohol.One contribution of higher grades is making students aware of the importance of studying to the achievement of his effort. Thus, he will put all his heart and passion into it, and gradually the pleasure and enjoyment he possesses from his painstaking is very remakably. For example, my friends, Victor, often makes greater marks in every exam which makes me extraordinary confused. One day, the reason he gave to me is that a good marks symbolize one kind of confidence and competence that stimulate him to work harder and pay more enthusiasm into it. At the same time, the painstaking work also make him have an idea that his effort will be paid off. So a better grade might encourage students.A good marks can not only encourage students but also bring fame and foutune to the future lives of students. A survey of students who acquire wealth and reputation after graduating from unversity for four years, dramatically illustates the importance of a higher grades. About 90% students indicate that when they were studying college or university, they would get relatively better grades many times in many exams. Thus, when they sent their performance to the most desired companies that always enrolled them. On the basis of their striking grades, the advancement for them was very grasped than students who had a low grades.However, if a students spare no effots in his study, the marks he got from the exams is  very undesired and the low grades will discourage his confidence and bring more setbacks and frustration to him. As it did in the case of my classmate, John, is a hardworking people but the product is always negative and undeserved. Many teachers and his parents hold the belief that he is a play-centered boy and often belittle him. little by little, he lost the incentive and impetus in his study and spent more time on computer game which can gain pride. Therefore, only good marks would encourage students.In sum, from all the reasons explained above, I can  draw safely a conclusion that higher grades will stimutate students to work hard and low grades would create negative influence on people in most cases.
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