GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:Eva_651
Government officials should rely on their own judgment rather than unquestioningly carry out the will of the people they serve. [Specific Task Instruction: Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the recommendation and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, describe specific circumstances in which adopting the recommendation would or would not be advantageous and explain how these examples shape your position.]
1. 描述一件民众意愿没有得到政府支持的事情,并分析为什么政府不支持这件事,为什么民众有这样的意愿?
回答: 中国民众,在拆迁过程中不希望政府拆自己房子,或者希望政府给出更高补偿价格。 政府不支持:招商引资能够促进当地发展,不能因为一所居民房耽误大局等等,不给过多赔偿金:如果每个人都要也赔不起。民众:利益受损
2. 民众在提出意愿的时候通常会考虑到哪些因素?这些因素会对他们的决策带来什么问题?请举例说明。
回答: 1.民众提出意愿的时候会考虑自身的利益,如环保和海洋生态学家oceangrapher and environmentalist可能就希望一年中的大部分时间禁止捕捞,而渔民们fishermen肯定就不希望这样的政策 目光短浅,片面的考虑问题 one-sided view 2.容易只根据自己的价值观或信仰来做出主观的判断。比如说有些人认为abortion合法,有些人认为不合法,有些人将焚烧国旗 Flag-burning 视为free of speech,有些人视为示威。
3. 政府官员在做出决策时会考虑民众意愿么?通常他们会考虑哪些因素?请举例说明。
回答: 会考虑 因素:对民众生活的影响,对国家政府未来的发展,所能带来的经济效益economic benefits,是否会造成环境污染等后果,社会稳定,是否有可行性feasibility,是否有经济能力来落实 比如,竞选election compaign 时的全民公投Referendum,则是交与民众进行决策。或者政府官员在修改宪法时,交给民众决定。
4. 政府官员依靠自己的判断力或完全服从民众的意愿在做出决策时会有什么好处?会有什么问题?请分别举例说明。
回答: 政府决策-好处-兼顾各个群里利益并有一定前瞻性perspectiveness 坏处-遭到民众反对 人民决策-好处-获得民众支持 坏处-可能会带来决策的短视和狭隘 (strong personalities, propaganda and expensive advertising campaigns),政府不够强硬,容易被民意绑架。 有时民众意见也不统一
5. 政府的职能是什么?官员和群众分别在政府职能中充当什么样的角色?他们有什么责任和义务?请举例说明。
回答: 职能:统一管理民众事物,发现问题,解决民众问题;官员:从一个宏观的高度看问题,做决策;百姓:提出自己的需求,让自己的声音被听到;eg:对于一个城市中的工厂,有人希望关掉,因为污染空气和水,而且噪音,而另外一些人觉得这样会影响经济发展,导致很多人失业,各种民众的声音传到政府官员那里,宏观照顾到多方面,可能最终把工厂迁到郊区
Should Government officials make decisions denpend on their own judgment or the will of the people they serve? The speaker claims the former. I concede that government has enough experiences, newest informations and broad perspective to make a choise. Otherwise, in my view it’s more convincing and reasonable for government to give consideration to the public as well.   Admittedly, government officials are definitely more professional in making political judgements and they can view issues more objective from a broader perspective than the public they serve, in the face of so many issues like political movements, diplomacy, national security and etc. For supporting examples is the famous leaders Martin Luther King once ushered the civil rights movment in America and in Vietnam, and Gandi who guided the Indian people on their road to freedom.   However, although wise officers will do great benefit to the public on behalf of people’s common will, we need to confess that, these unrestrained authority are quite liable to make mistakes without any restriction leading to a mistake, even political disasters. For instance, when the People Republic of China was founded in 1949, Mao Zedong acquired the supreme absolute power to do anything according to his will without any restrictions. And Mao incorrectly launched "Great Leap Forward" and "Cultural Revolutionary", making millions of people die of starvation and political punishment. In addition, the fundermantle property of government is the representative of their people, thus as a democratic community, it is the basic nature of government to listen to the public’s voice. For instance, government deliver the power to the public to exert a referendum in an election compaign.Futhermore, the political officials can solidify their positions by earning trust of the public.
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