GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:阮伟亮
In any field—business, politics, education, government—those in power should be required to step down after five years. [Specific Task Instruction: Write a response in which you discuss your views on the policy and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, you should consider the possible consequences of implementing the policy and explain how these consequences shape your position.]
相对于老GRE考试中的ISSUE70"In any profession—business, politics, education, government—those in power should step down after five years. The surest path to success for any enterprise is revitalization through new leadership",本题省略了一个理由,也就使得讨论内容更加宽泛。对于本题,可以从几个方面来进行思考:对于领导者本身来说,五年时间会对他/她的领导方式、方法、思路有哪些正负面的影响;对于行业或者领域本身,更换领导的利和弊。
1. 描述一个曾经很辉煌,而后来失去了活力的机构(企业,政府等),并分析它失去活力的原因。这些原因是否与领导者有关系?
回答: Apple company 是第一家personal computer 真正使电脑走进了千家用户 Apple computers have their day 但后来 Steve Jobs 与董事会其他领导人的分歧 越来越大 而后 Steve Jobs 离开 Apple company 失去了Jobs的Apple company 越来越失去竞争力 而且蓝色巨人 IBM 醒过来了 推出了它的PC 占领了市场很大份额 这是由于 Apple 董事会 推出的产品与其他公司相比没有竞争力 又没再开拓新的蓝海领域 推出新产品
2. 在导致事业失去活力的原因中,哪些原因跟领导者有关系?有什么关系?请举例说明。
回答: Nokia 以前在手机领域 全球市场的占有率 是第一 但在2007年 Apple company的 划时代之作 Iphone诞生Nokia 随之 已经失去了市场龙头老大的地位 B.G. 有点长 看能不能简化一下 为什么会造成Nokia这种局面? 首先 在评价 Steve Jobs 的时候 对他对科技的前瞻性 大胆性 创新性 没人敢否认这一点 而Nokia 却没有预料 智能手机的时代来临 失去抢占市场的先机 不能说Nokia 公司的领导人不优秀 但对未来手机市场的判断 没有准确及敏锐的嗅觉 落后于人就不奇怪 其次 即使Nokia 没有抢得先机 但至少可以做到迎头赶上啊 但到现在为止 Nokia 仍没有一款机器 能与 Apple Iphone相媲美的 相抗衡的 其实他不是没有解决方案 采用 Google 的 软件系统 加上 Nokia 的硬件 就是最完美的解决方案 Nokia 就是不愿意这么做 其公司董事会 的顽固程度 令人竟然 Steve Jobs 当年能放下恩怨 与 Intel 结成战略伙伴关系 就在一次令人佩服 Steve Jobs的胸襟 气度 和度量 而 从这一点反观 Nokia 的领导者 的气度 不够 耽误了公司的发展。
3. 更换新的领导会给事业发展带来什么好处和什么弊端?在一定时间内更换领导对哪些行业更有好处?请举例说明。
回答: 2002年 中国男篮在韩国釜山丢失亚洲冠军 之后 李元伟接替信兰成 为篮管中心主任 好处:带来了新的理念 改革了一些弊端 有了一些新的东西进来了 例如 聘请 欧洲著名教练 尤纳斯 为新任教练 对中国的篮球联赛 由举国体制 向 职业比赛来转变 允许 并大力提倡 中国球员 走出国门 到更高水平的联赛去 比如 姚明 易建联 到NBA打球 弊端: 对人员及企业的相关部门 理解程度可能不会那么高 ,短时间内 指挥失灵的弊端 比如 李元伟主任来了 一开始没有办公室 就在地下室办公 有的记者来采访 找不到人 李元伟想做什么事情 暂时也找不到相应的人。 但 中国男篮 能在2008 北京奥运上 拿到第8名的成绩 中国女篮能拿到第4名的成绩 李元伟是首功 所以对体育行业在一定时间内更换领导 是非常有好处的。
4. 对一个领导者的领导水平的评判应该考虑哪些因素?请举例说明。
回答: 是否有智慧 是否有远见 是否有胸怀 Steve Jobs 绝对有超出常人的智慧 和对事物发展的前瞻性 1976 年 他就敢断言 电脑会走进千家万户 成为人们的生活必需品 所以创办了Apple company 推出了PC 2007 年 划时代的Iphone 与消费者见面 真正把用户体验和技术完美的结合 这说起来很简单 真正发现这点 并把 付诸实践的少 Jobs 真的不简单。 而在Jobs 重掌 苹果公司之后 能与宿敌Intel 握手言和 这种胸怀是一个像真正做一番事业的领导者所必备的。
Coincidental with many things changed is the development of the society. I agree that in any field—business, politics, education, government—those in power should be required to step down after five years.       The reasons of the leaders could lead to the company losing the vital. , because the good leaders can boldly foresee the trend of technological development in the future. But some leaders lose the bravery of advancing and can not hear some useful advise so that  the development of company stops and is facing the danger of bankruptcy. A good example of this is the Nokia Company.  Its marker share was ever the first in the mobile phone area, but the first place is replaced or supplanted by the Apple Company. Because the Nokia company does not expect the time of smart phone to come, it misses the opportunity of occupied占领the market. Compared with the Steve Jobs of the Apple company, the leaders of the Nokia company do not have the accurate准确的 and acute敏锐的 smelling on the judge of the technology of foreseeable, daring大胆的 and creative things and the future trend of the mobile phone market. Furthermore, the unchanged degree of the Nokia Company’s leaders is difficult to be understood. They are not willing to use the best solution that adds the software of Google Company on the hardware of the Nokia Company. Comparing with this, Steve Jobs threw the past inconsistency 矛盾 and became the important cooperator with the Intel company. This makes people respect to the tolerance of Steve Jobs. From this point, the tolerance of the leaders of Steve Jobs is not big enough so that it impedes the development of the company.      The new leaders could bring some benefits and disadvantages into the development of career. And at the certain time it has benefits towards these areas, such as the sports. In 2002, after the Chinese man basket team losed the Asian champion, Li Yuanwei became the president of the Chinese national basketball team and replaced Xin Lancheng. The benefits are that bring the new ideas, reform some things out of date and renew the outside of the Chinese basket. For example, Li Yuanwei changed a new head coach, who is a famous coach in Europe. And the Chinese Basketball Association converted the nonprofessional sport into professional sport. Admit the Chinese players to go into the higher association in order to improve their abilities, such as Yao Ming and Yi Jianlian in NBA. But the change has disadvantages. Because the new president is unfamiliar with the employees and operating systems. It engendered the chaos in a short time. When Li Yuanwei president arrived at the Chinese Basketball Association, he had no office and worked at the underground. Some journalists interviewed him and can almost not found him. And Li Yuanwei wanted to do something and can also not find the responding employees. In a sum, the Chinese national man basketball team ranked the eighth team in the Beijing Olympic game and the Chinese national woman basketball team rank the fourth team because of Li Yuanwei's hard work. So it is beneficial for the sports to change the leaders in a certain time.       To judge the level of a leader needs to consider whether he has the wisdom, the long sight and intolerance or not. Steve Jobs is a prime example of this. Steve Jobs has an extraordinary wisdom and can foresee the trend of technological development. In 1976, he dared to say that the computer would go into the home of common people and become the necessary tools, so he established the Apple Company and invented the first personal computer. And in 2007, Iphone was born and was strongly welcomed by the consumers. The Iphone combines the feeling of customer with the technology perfectly. This appears to be simple, but it is rare that the persons who discover this and put it into practice. Jobs is really not a common person. He is not only a person with wisdom, but he also has the tolerance. After he was in the power again, he made the Apple company become friends with the Intel Company which was always the enemy of the Apple Company. This kind of tolerance is an ability that one leader who really wants to have an accomplishment in a field must have.        I agree that in any field—business, politics, education, government—those in power should be required to step down after five years.  
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