GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:孙熙领
The study of history has value only to the extent that it is relevant to our daily lives.
1. 历史对于现在的人们有哪些方面的意义和影响?影响方式有哪些?人们参考历史的目的是什么?
回答: 文化传统方面,中国的文化受到了儒家文化的影响很深,历史上各个朝代都将儒家文化视为正统,儒家强调中庸之道的思想影响了整个中国。 以史为鉴,总结社会发展的规律,研究各朝代中政治经济的兴衰,将历史的经验用在今天的生活中。
2. 在你的印象中,过去的生活和现在的生活有哪些差距?今天有哪些东西是过去没有的?
回答: 现代的科技比过去发达,人类总是一点点从无知走向博学。今天的汽车,高楼,飞机,天文望远镜等科技产品都是过去所没有的。
3. 是不是只有和现在完全一样的过去才会对今天的生活有指导意义?如果不是?那么,什么样的事情才是有指导意义的?请结合具体事例简述。
回答: 不是,社会是不断发展的。今天的生活不可能和过去一模一样,但是历史总是惊人的相似。不遵循社会发展规律的事情必然会消失,遵循社会发展规律的事情必然会兴旺。比如,智能手机塞班操作系统由于跟不上时代,面临着被淘汰的局面。而新型的android,iOS操作系统逐渐流行起来。
4. 你读过哪些描写过去的书籍?它们是过时的还是对你现在的生活有指导意义?请举例说明。
回答: 历史课本…… 有 一个国家必须重视人们才能安定繁荣,充满了贪官污吏的时代必将灭亡。
5. 你的父母是否曾经用他们过去的经验来给你一些指导?你认为有用么?为什么?请举例说明。
回答: 有 比如江南风景好,东北三省异常寒冷。 有用,虽然他们没有去过那些地方,但是别人的介绍使他们认识到江南和东北的天气。
6. 过去的一些经验或者事情是否会对人们造成误导?请举例说明。
回答: 有过误导,比如中医。 没有经过科学的检验,就能拿出来治病,结果有很多病症都不能得到有效的治疗。
//以前的提纲有跑题的嫌疑,写的不好,应该按照改后的提纲写!Has the study of history value only to the extent that it is relevant to our daily lives? I agree with the statement. Because not only culture, but also medicine are involved in the influence by the history. (Because the influence of history come in a variety of factors in our daily lives, ranging from culture to medicine to politics and economy). And history catalyze the development of our daily lives.
First of all, in many instances, culture exists different aspects of our daily lives and culture usually derive from history. The study of history should value to the extent of culture to help us understand our culture. Chinese culture present a relative case for demonstrating. Chinese culture derive from Confucius's thought called "golden mean". It encourage people to be harmonious with each other. Almost every Chinese people is influenced by this thought. The study of history should revealed the core thought for people to appropriately understand their own culture. Another example of the influence of history to culture is English culture. English people believe freedom and equality since Industry revolution. They were liable to change their leader in a peace way. And freedom and equality which give people more rights and obligations have been influencing English for almost 500 years. The duty of the study of history is just to help us understand the culture of England and accelerate the speed of the development of society.
Second, history influent the medicine which is one of the factors of our daily lives. The study of history should focus on medicine to help us understand and do some research. Chinese traditional medicine present a relative case for analysis. Most of Chinese people trust Chinese traditional medicine which exist for thousands years but be not deducted for its medicine effect. The study of history should reveal the effect of Chinese traditional medicine for effectively curing disease. On the other hand, medicine in the Europe and the United States will be tested for about 10 years in human before coming into the market. Researchers used the test result of predecessors to continue their test work. The study of history could help find the measure of treatment by being relevant to medicine cases in history. This is two excellent examples of why the study of history should be relevant to our daily life.
Our daily lives influent us every day and determine the development of society. And the obligation of the study of history is just to find the truth in life and catalyze the development of society.
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