GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:lanlan_468
In any realm of life-whether academic, social, business, or political-the only way to succeed is to take a practical, rather than an idealistic, point of view. Pragmatic behavior guarantees survival, whereas idealistic views tend to be superseded by simpler, more immediate options.
1. 什么是实用的观点?这些观点具有什么特点?这些观点对人的成功有什么好处?有什么弊端?请举例说明。
回答: 实用的观点是人们根据经验总结的,拥有这些观点的人曾经成功过。 这些观点对人的成功的好处是可以吸取经验,少走弯路, 弊端是不能对更高意义上的成功做出贡献
2. 什么是理想化的观点?这些观点有什么特点?这些观点对于人的成功有什么好处?有什么弊端?请举例说明。
回答: 理想化观点是指不切实际的,没有基础的观点,其特点是虚无缥缈,有些脱离实际。 这种观点对于成功的好处在于能让你成功的方法与众不同,并且有可能会引出新的发现 弊端在于大部分理想化的观点都是不能实现的,属于空想,会浪费时间
3. 保证在人在一个领域存活的因素有哪些?这些因素都是实用的还是理想化的?请举例说明。
回答: 一定的知识 好奇心 人际关系
4. 人的成功会受到哪些因素的影响?这些因素哪些是具有实用特征的?哪些是具有理想化特征的?请举例说明。
回答: 个人背景,努力程度,知识水平,思维敏感性,机遇 机遇是理想化的
5. 什么是简单而迫切的想法?人们为什么会产生这些想法?这些想法会给人的成功带来什么好处?什么弊端?请举例说明。
回答: 就是为了生存不管不顾产生的想法
6. 实用主义和理想主义是必然对立的么?如果是,请解释为什么并举例说明;如果不是,请分析在什么情况下二者会有统一,并举例说明。
Success is refer to somebody gain some reputation as well as contribute to certen field.The way to succeed,however ,is not single but various.The practical views tend to be frequently known by ordinary people, and have been used by someone to be successful.On the contary,the idealistic views seems to be mysterious and not compatble that hardly had some one become succeed through the idealistic one.However ,the author oversimplifies the compexity of this issue.From dialect perspective,the final judgement should be discussed case-by-case.
Practical views,originally from the practical spirit,has been appeared long time in the society.Dueing to its popularity among people and successful useage in survival,the public tends to assume that take a practical way is the solution to survive or success.Under most condition,it is true that the practical views lead to succeed and guarantee one's survival. As an chinese saying goes,"Even in the most desserted condition can people with practical technique die."In the science region,the scientists with practical views offen bring immediate profit to the society and easy to gain reputation.Such as the applications of top science .
Idealistic views, in the past, offen regarded as the symbol of irresponsible thought,is also a way to be success.The nano technique which had been considered idealistic used to be an unworthy and edged project in the labrotary. However, in ten years, it has been widely used in the biology,environment protection,medicine,food,industry and other field.The so-called idealistic views actually bring the scientist a great success.The idealistic views are more common in art region.The holland artist ,Vincent Van Goal is such a man full of idealistic views.However, the idealistic views did not drawback his success but enhence it.Though he lived a poor life when he was alive,his achivement in abstract painting was highly accepted and praised when he was dead.Maybe we could detect from this example that the Idealistic view is as vital as practical one.The mere difference is that the former one need more time.
The author maintains that idealistic views tend to be superceded by simpler and more immediate options.It is true that when fundemental needs are insufficient, people may discard their idealistic views temperarely and turn to practical views.However, when the simler and more immediate need is contented,people may draw attention back to the idealistic ones.We cannot simply judge the change.What's more,the simler and immediate views can be a way to success.Since when people become eager in something ,he wil pay 100 percent attention on it,which result in easily succeed.
To sum up,the view that only practical view leads to success is partial.The factor to success contains both the practical ones ,such as the personal background,the education level,and the idealistic ones,such as the opportunity and the outer environment.From the anaysis above ,I strongly commit to the notion that we need to call for a balance between practical and idealistic views.Without practical views,we may round the point and waste time to succeed.Wihout idealistic views,we cannot make a deeper progress in certain field.In a word, this complex issue depends on both practical and idealistic views.
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