GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:孙熙领
Only through mistakes can there be discovery or progress.
1. 描述一个你自己犯错的事情,并分析你是否从这次犯错中得到了进步或者发现了一些新的东西。
回答: 在写程序中,错误的运用的地址,没有发现新的东西,只是掌握了地址,引用,传值之间的关系。
2. 人们获得进步或者得到新的发现的方法和途径有哪些?请举例说明。
回答: 对知识的掌握,对事情的理解,以及一些运气。例如,发现青霉素的是来自弗莱明实验时的一次意外。大陆漂移学说的发现源自魏格纳对地图的意外观察。地球引力的发现源自,牛顿对自然现象的深入思考。
3. 错误能带给人什么样的启示?这种启示是否可以让人有进步或者发现一些新的东西?请举例说明。
回答: 能够让人排除错误的想法,继续寻找真理。有时候会有,有时候没有。这取决于人们对错误的态度。例如爱迪生发明灯泡的过程中经历了上千次的失败,排除了上千种材料之后才找到合适的材料做灯丝。
4. 如果人们犯错以后不进行总结和分析,会出现什么情况?如果这样,人们会获得进步或得到新的发现么?请举例说明。
回答: 不断的犯这个错误。人们不会获得进步或得到新的发现。比如有时候编程或者做数学题的时候,一种错误反复出现,源自自己没有对错误的总结,并找出原因。
5. 通过犯错得到的发现或获得的进步具有什么特点?请举例说明。
回答: 不断总结错误的原因。明白为什么犯了错。例如爱迪生通过实验不断的排除不能成为灯丝的材料,才找到正确的材料。
WORDS: 520          TIME: 00:45:00          DATE: 2/27/2011 2:48:37 PM
It is no wonder that people can get discovery or progress after some mistakes. But are the mistakes are necessary for discovery or progress? Or, some other reasons are the key reason to acquire discovery or pregress.
First of all, many discoveries or progresses have been know to be achieved after mistakes. But the true reason of discovery or progress is the attitude to deal with mistakes rather than mistakes themselves. People who make discovery or progress after mistakes often find the reason of mistakes to avoid the same mistakes next time. Edison presents a relevant case for analysis. Edison had more than one thousand mistakes in the discovery of light. After one mistake, he would find the true reason that why the failed material was not suitable for light. The process of finding true reason help Edison exclude materials that would also failed for the reason and shrink the range that may be used for light. Thus, it is the attitude of finding the true reason of mistakes that help Edison got the discovery of light. Another example of how mistakes help discovery or process involves Nobel. Nobel also had hunderds mistakes before the discovery of dynamite. After one mistakes, Nobel would find the true reason that why this experiment failed. In the next experiment, Nobel could avoid the same mistake. Also, the attitude of dealing with mistake helped Nobel find dynamite rather than mistakes themselves. Thus, it is the attitude of dealing with mistakes that find the discovery or progress.
Moreover, if people do not find the reason of mistakes, they may not find discovery or progress and get the same mistake next time. Because of lacking of finding the true reason of mistakes, they do not know why mistakes happened and can not avoid the same mistake. A good example of this view involves the failure of Napolean and Hilter in Russia. Napolean got a failure of war in Russia because of the serious weather in 16th century. But Hilter did not find the true reason of Napolean's failure. Hilter did not prepare the enough material for going through the winter in Russia when he had a war in Russia. Finally, Hilter also had a failure of war because of the same reason that is the serious weather. In this case, Hilter's attitude towards mistake which did not find the true reason of mistakes catalyzed the failure. Therefore, mistakes are not necessary for discovery or progress.
Finally, discoveries or progresses can be got by not only the attitude of mistakes but also other reasons. For example, Newton found the Gravitation Law because his pursuit to science. Fleming found the penicillin by accidence in experient. And Wegener presented continent subject because of mastering in the earth's continent. Moreover, these discoveries or pregresses are got through no mistakes. Therefore, not only attitude of mistakes but also some other reasons can get discovery or progress.
All in all, discovery or progress may come from the attitude of dealing with mistakes rather than mistakes themselves. And not only through dealing with mistakes but also through other measures can there be discovey or prgress.
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