GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:刘一清
In any given field, the leading voices come from people who are motivated not by conviction but by the desire to present opinions and ideas that differ from those held by the majority.
1. 请列举三个有代表性的领导人物以及其所在领域,并分析是什么样的欲望或信念驱使着这些领导人。
回答: 比如说在科学上,对知识的执着使得居里夫人经受住种种困难,为科学做出了巨大的贡献, 梵高对艺术的执着使得他成为了后世的楷模 对于自由和民主的执着使得华盛顿成为了美国历史上最受尊重的总统之一。
2. “被想要表达和大多数人不一样的观点和思想的欲望驱使”的人对某领域的发展有哪些正负面影响?请举例并简述。
回答: 正面影响:可以使该领域百花齐放,促进该领域发展。 负面印象:太抽象了,想不出来。
3. 在成为领导者的过程中,“被想要表达和大多数人不一样的观点和思想的欲望驱使”的人会存在哪些优势或不足?请举例并简述。
回答: 成为领导者的的人不应该刻意的追求与别人的不一样,而应该坚持自己的追求。领导者应该做的应该是确立自己的风格,而不是想方设法的标新立异。单纯的追求与别人不一样式没有意义的。如果某个事物是很多人所共同追求的,或很多人抱有共同看法的,则很可能表明这个事物是好的是值得追求的。不顾这个事实而盲目的标新立异的话,很可能会使是一个人的工作不得要领,效率不高。 成功的人都是与众不同的,但不是所有与众不同的人都是成功的。 比如说在各种媒体高度发达的今天,要想做大生意,不用做产品宣传是不可能的。而如果某个人只想标新立异,坚决认为酒香不怕巷子深,不做宣传,那么恐怕他将做不成生意。
4. “被坚定的信念驱使”的人对某领域的发展有哪些正负面影响?请举例并简述。
回答: 负面影响:被坚定信念驱使的人容易变得极端,最好的例子是希特勒。此外还有,在英国科学家伦琴发现了X射线以后,法国一科学家不久后也声称发现了N射线,一时间N射线被法国学术界所追捧。然而不到一年以后,美国人就证明,根本不存在N射线。法国的很多专家并不是没有发现N射线的理论有漏洞,是出于不能输给英国人这一民族主义情绪才选择了忽略这一事实。 正面影响:使人信念坚定,为某一领域的突破而做出贡献。 比如说屠呦呦,始终坚信要把中医发扬光大,在190多次实验失败以后,终于提取出了青蒿素(arteannuin)---治疗疟疾( malaria)的特效药 正面影响:可以使人坚持不懈,
5. 在成为领导者的过程中,“被坚定的信念驱使”的人会存在哪些优势或不足?请举例并简述。
回答: 优势:坚定信念会使人意志坚定,遇到挫折也不气馁。 比如说, 不足:目光会变得比较短浅,为了实现自己的目标意味跟着潮流走,丧失了自己的的本色 比如说
6. 一个领域想要正确发展和进步,其领导人被“被想要表达和大多数人不一样的观点和思想的欲望驱使”好,还是“被坚定的信念驱使”好?请分析并说明理由。
回答: “被想要表达和大多数人不一样的观点和思想”和“被坚定的信念驱使”不是互相矛盾的。事实上这两个东西很可能是同一种东西。某人具有可以有一个与众不同的坚定信念并为此奋斗。 然而当这两者不一致时,还是坚持自己的信念好。因为和大多人不一样是一个很不确定的概念,只追求不一样的话很可能会没有目标,会盲目,会没有努力的方向。 人之所以成功不是因为他坚持与别人不一样,而是因为他坚持了自己的的道路。比尔盖茨成为了一个成功的商人,不是因为他坚持不去做一名律师,而是因为他坚持要发展他的软件公司。
The speaker believes that the leading opinions in a feild are from people who desire to express unique opinions  rather than from the ones driven by a conviction.However,I do not agree with the speaker.Because first,people who have desires to express opinions from the majority and people who hold a conviction are not two kinds of people that mutaully excusive and I believe that people should have conviction in order to suceed in certain field.
First of all,people who hold a strong belief and people who always try to convey distictive ideas are not necessarily mutual contradiction.A person can hold a conviction that differ from the majority.Steve Jobs the fomer CEO of Apple company,may be the best example that combining holding an conviction and being distictive.
Second,a strong belief help one to achieve sucessfulness.Convictions can result in the perseverance that people need to pursue their goals and the  courage people need to overcome difficulties in their way realizing dreams.Musggy Bogues,the famous basket ball player, held a strong belief when he is a boy.Young Muggsy Bogues ,who stands at 5'3",believed that he could play for the NBA someday while the friends around him thought him to be crazy.However fact proved that he suceeded in becoming not only an NBA player,but also one of the greatest ever ,despite his stature.
Third,trying to be simply diffrent from the majority is meaningless.Bill Gate is great not because he distinguishes himself by dropping out from Harvard,but because he sticked to his conviction and made his company one of the most profitable ones in the world.People should have convictions to base they goals on and to direct themselves.Without such a base,people may feel at lost,and do not know to contrive for.One should first know about himself before he tries to distinguish himself from the others.
Of course,there are shortcomings about stick to one's conviction.By sticking to certain strong belief,people's sight may be narrowed and may become not hospitable to new ideas.However,the perseverance that conviction may produce is indepensible for success. So I believe that conviction is more improtant in acquiring success
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