TOEFL 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:王小妖
Some people say that computers have made life easier and more convenient. Other people say that computers have made life more complex and stressful. What is your opinion? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
1. 你经常使用电子计算机吗?它在你的生活中起着怎样的作用?
回答: 我经常使用计算机,无论在学习还是生活中,计算机是我不可或缺的朋友。它可以帮助我学习更广泛的知识,接触更前沿的新鲜事物,同时,计算机提供的一些便捷服务,让我不论身处何地,都能与家里的父母畅谈,让我的日常生活充满更多娱乐与惊喜,总之,计算机给我的生活带来了巨大的变化
2. 生活中有哪些方面在计算机的帮助下方便多了?
回答: 日常生活中遇到的一些小问题可以很快得到解决,比如有一次家里没有葡萄酒的启瓶器,可是客人又等着喝酒,于是我上网百度,最后成功的打开了;还有一次放假回家,我想为爸妈做一次丰盛的晚餐,可是好多东西不会做,最后在一个“美食天下”的网站找到全部的菜谱,为爸妈准备了美味菜肴;学习中遇到的各种类型的问题都会得到最全面的解决,比如有一次课上老师提到了一个课本上没有的名词,而我又十分疑惑,查了好多资料都没有得到满意的回答,最后在一个学术网站找到了理想的答案,正好考试中遇到,我取得了好成绩;关于我们的日常出行,计算机也会提供便捷的服务,比如有一次在北京,我们想去798艺术中心,可是又不知道该如何走,上网用谷歌地图便轻松获得了最详细的路线图
3. 而有了计算机以后,人们的生活又会增添什么麻烦?
回答: 长时间坐在电脑前,身体健康出现问题,最常见的就是视力下降;长时间的电脑辐射,让一些爱美的女性苦恼,比如皮肤变得粗糙没有光泽;不良信息的传播,影响未成年孩子的健康成长,比如孩子迷恋网游,导致学习成绩下降,甚至模仿游戏中的人物做出危害社会的行为;人们独立思考的能力下降;人们读书能力下降;甚至,人们的交流能力也在下降,只能在虚拟的世界里畅谈,而一旦走进现实,就不知道该如何交往
4. 如果没有计算机的出现,人们的生活会有什么改变?
回答: 如果没有计算机的出现,人们不可能足不出户就收到心仪的商品;如果没有计算机的出现,人们就不会在第一时间了解到国外的最新近况;如果没有计算机的出现,各种机构的办事效率及准确率就会大大下降;如果没有计算机的出现,人们就不会有更多的机会去接触新鲜事物来提高自己;如果没有计算机的出现,我们的社会不会进步,人们的生活不会提高
5. 类似计算机这种高科技产品的发展,它们给人们带去了什么影响?
回答: 学习工作更加高效;知识面更加广阔;生活质量大大提高

Nowadays, the application of computer can take place anywhere,whether in a class or on the job, whether in the busy city or in the rural country.  Even we have many conveniencesin our society which have been brought about through the computer, some people say that computers have made life more complex and stressful. As I see it, the impact that the computer has on our daily life is undeniable, those shrotcoming can be neglected when the advantages of computers are mentioned.
People all over the world benefit enormously from the rapid development of  the computer in various fields. First of all, no one can deny that we profit considerably by the computer in our daily life. It abounds with such examples.  For instence, if we can't do some thing at the usual way, we can google it. One time, I had no wine opener at home, but the visitors are waiting for wine, so I searched on the Internet and found out how to make it open without a opener. And we can also search some usages of  household appliences or the ways of cooking some dishes, this makes us more independent and skillful to do more things in ourselves' life. In addition to this, we can make our journal lines by the Google Map, which provides us the most comprehensive trip lines. Secondly, we benefit dramaticly by the computer in our studys. We can learn various kinds of knowledge from the different country by enjoying the open class, so we can save much money on the reference book or some other expenses on study. Beyond that, if we have any questions about selected classes or some else academic problem, we can search the overall academic researches on the Internet.
Though the advanages that the computer results in are considerable numerous, we should not ignore that the computer has some minor disadvantages. Owing to the online games, so much student neglect their study and even do harm to the society. And some people's health are endangered as a result of the longtime sitting before the computer,  especially the computer radiation and the impaired vision. Beyond that, the pace of life is becoming faster and faster through the Internet, more and more people cannot catch up with the society and feel stressful.

In conclusion, I think although advances in computer may do some harm to people's life to some degree, most impacts exerted by the forward pace of the computer are desirable and beneficial. We should take measures to guide the direction of the development of the computer and prevent all kinds of improper use of the computer so that we can enjoy more conveniences in both work and daiy life brought by the ever improving computer technology.
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