GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:siwei
[Claim] We can usually learn much more from people whose views we share than from those whose views contradict our own. [Reason] Disagreement can cause stress and inhibit learning. [Specific Task Instruction: Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the claim and the reason on which that claim is based.]
[观点]相对于所持观点和我们矛盾的人,我们通常能从和我们持相同观点的人那里学到更多。 [理由]意见不合会产生压力并阻碍学习。 [说明]写一篇文章,讨论你同意或反对这个观点,以及支持观点的理由达到怎样的程度。
本题改编自老GRE的ISSUE1"We can usually learn much more from people whose views we share than from people whose views contradict our own; disagreement can cause stress and inhibit learning"。题目讨论我们从观点相同或不同的人那里学习效果的不同。对于比较类分析,首先要承认的是两者各有优缺点,不过重点要探讨的是相比之下哪个优点或者缺点更多。在分析的时候需要注意"we"和"people"之间的联系应当只有views,而并不被其他关系影响(例如,亲友、团队、上下级等)。同时,也可以根据不同情况去进行分类。分析过程中要突出:learn(这是大多数习作中会忽视的关键词)
1. 你平时认为有欠缺的观点的主要特征有什么呢?
回答: 某些我想到的细节对方的观点中没有考虑到,对方的观点中逻辑不明,论据不够,不能强烈地自圆其说
2. 请换位思考一下,平时你会怎样对待和你持有共同观点的人?对和你意见相矛盾的人的观点又会有怎样的对待呢?
回答: 对同样观点的人,我会简单地认同,而不会深入思考;而对于不同观点,我会认真地审查对方观点的每一个细节,设法找出漏洞,并且试图用我的说法去说服对方的说法。
3. 当面对两种不同行为的时候,你认为采取何种应对办法是最有效果的?请列举出你认为对这两种情况处理比较好的方法。
回答: 应该双方都吸取对方的观点中的长处来弥补自己论证的不足是最好的,可以展开讨论或者辩论,在避免争吵的情况下达到共识
4. 经过了对方或支持或反对,我们的观点会朝什么方向发展?观点的哪些地方会出现何种程度的进步或后退?
回答: 我们的观点会朝更完善的方向发展,如果观点本身都是错的,或许会自己全盘否定,如果只是论据或者逻辑的不足,可以在讨论中意识到自己的不足,然后在论证方面完善自己的观点。
5. 如果和对方意见不合,你会有什么样的心理感受?进而会表现出什么样的行为?
回答: 开始会有一种不舒服的感觉,但冷静下来之后会认真考虑对方的观点,进而进行争吵或者辩论,希望得到一个满意的结果
Many people are fond of discuss and demonstrate issues with those whose views they share,and think they can learn more from there.Admittedly,through discuss with those people,we can feel comfortable and learn many similar but new  basis and examples to fortify our own assumptions,at the same time, broadending our horizens to treat the world.While debate with whose views contradict with ours,uneasiness and anxiety may impede the learnig procession,and quarrel can not be avoided sometimes.
From the people agrees on the same points,can we get more self-confidence and devote ourselves into such arguments and workd hard to pursue for the final agreemets.At the same time,various peple will hold various methods and examples to verify these views,via that can we realize and learn many new roads to the think on a issue.It can reflect on a person or a country,like a programme, work with people share views can cut the time to discuss the main point and work in a serene atmosphere;while countries have the same political points are easier to reach consensus to help each other and pursuit the mutual benefits.
But always neglect the contradict views may forssify our thoughts,especially our views are originally have  huge backwards,deeper discuss with the same-thinking people just can shadow our eyes,like a canary in a cage and can fine the outway.Undoutedly talking with people's views contradict with ours can bring uneassiness and pressure, but pressure not always mean impedement.Naturally,while people are not convinced about the contradict views,we have a punge to pursuade the other side.By that say,we may more careful to regard  those views,study their backwards and virtues objectivelly than we regard the parter's views.
Human process are always make breakthrough via debates on dirrent sides.Especially in the areas need quantitve new mind and intellegence.Like in the head of 20Century,Einstein and Bohr are hotly debating on quantum of particles,which lure scientists around the world to view these thins,each part are in the continuous defeat the other and find their own theories' shortage.In the end,the physical world realized that  the classical Newton mechanism are used conditionally,which saw the new era of physics.
Honestely,talking with people whose views we share can save more time and energy,but debating with whose views contradict our own is the true opportunites of process and improvement of the history of human beings. 
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