TOEFL 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:孙熙领
Is the ability to read and write more important today than in the past? Why or why not? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
1. 你一般会阅读什么读物?你觉得这对你的生活有何影响?
回答: 我一般只会读和学习的科目相关的读物 这些书大多是专业课的书籍,但是又基本在科研中用的很少。读书的面太窄了,在其他知识方面基本是文盲。
2. 你一般会写什么作品?如果你不会写,会有怎样的后果?
回答: 不会写作就不会系统的表达自己的观点。例如在GRE考试中,由于之前基本没有正经写过分析性的文章,所以导致在写作的时候无从下手。
3. 你周围是否有人缺乏读写能力,你觉得这是否影响了他/她的生活?为什么?
回答: 读能力基本没有问题,写能力问题很大。 不会系统的分析问题,阐述问题。
4. 现代社会对于知识的需求是否更高?为什么?
回答: 更高了。 现代社会科技快速发展,要求人们能够迅速的接受知识并传播知识,这样人们才能够跟得上社会的节拍。
It is no wonder that read and write are two basic ability for human. However, because knowledge is playing a more and more significant role in the development of society, both read and write are more important today than in the past.
First, read is the majority way to input knowledge which is necessary to live in modern society. With the increasing importance of knowledge, read becomes one of most important abilities to live. For example, there are many kinds of computer programmer languages today, people whose major is computer science need to read books of these programming languages and master them. Only in these way, they can complete job and scientific research. People who works in other fields will have the same condition for reading today. However, there were less books and knowledges in the past. For example, there were less subjects in the past. And people needed not study so many knowledge like that of today. Therefore, read is more important today than in the past.
Second, write is the majority way to output knowledge which is necessary to communicate with people. Communication is more significant today than in the past. Because communication is the best way to change minds and inspire innovation. Knowledge is so many that people can not deal well with themselves. And write is the best way to output one's knowledge. For example, paper and publication is the most frequent way to express people's new idea which is useful for society. Also, people who do not have the ability may meet many difficulties in life. For example, people may have to write their name or fill up some tables. However, the development velocity in the past is slower than that of today. People could have a happy life even when they do not have the ability to write. Therefore, write is more important today than in the past.
All in all, because knowledge becomes the basis of the development of both person and society, the requirement of read and write also become more and more important. Thus, the ability to read and write is more important today than in the past.
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