TOEFL 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:free瓜瓜
Many students have to live with roommates while going to school or university. What are some of the important qualities of a good roommate? Use specific reasons and examples to explain why these qualities are important.
1. 你上学时跟室友相处得怎样?你从集体生活中学到了什么?
回答: 相处的很好。学会了沟通,倾听,包容。
2. 你有跟室友闹过矛盾吗?后来是怎么解决问题的?
回答: 有。后来我请她吃了饭,沟通解决了问题。
3. 你认为哪些品质在集体生活中是必备的?
回答: 善于沟通,包容,幽默
4. 这些品质对室友间的交流上有什么作用?
回答: 善于沟通就是善于沟通。。 包容可以避免摩擦。 幽默可以调节气氛。
During our school life,roommates play a big role in our daily life.The  relationship between roommates decide the quality of school life. what are the  important qualities of a good roommate?I think there are three aspacts: good at conmunication,willing to listen and have a tolerant heart.Consider good at conmunication.When we have different opion with roommates,for example,we could express our opion properly and do not hurt roommates if we good at conmunication.For myself,once time,I quarreled with one of my roommates.We haven't say a word to each other for 1 mouth.It's  felt very bad during that time.Later,I thought I should talk to her and deal the problem.So I asked her for a dinner and then told her what I thought,also,she told me what she thought.By conmunication,we undersood each other and have a good relationship till now.Consider willing to listen.Each of us have some troubles during life.As a roommate,we should listen to the sadness or complaints of our roommates and give them courage or help them find ways to deal the problem.Bad mood would affect the atmosphere of dormitory,so take a few minutes listen to your roommate is benifit to everyone.Consider have a tolerant heart.4 or 6 different people from differernt places composed the dormitory.Each one have their own  culture and growing backround.For instance,in China,the south people prefer to eat rice but the north people prefer to eat noodle. You can't compel them to eat rice or noodle. So we should have a tolerant heart to accept the difference and respect the life styles of  everyone.In conclusion,have the three qualities above,a harmony and warm dormitary will belong to us.

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