GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:chenya
To be an effective leader, a public official must maintain the highest ethical and moral standards. [Specific Task Instruction: Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the statement and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, you should consider ways in which the statement might or might not hold true and explain how these considerations shape your position.]
本题为老GRE的ISSUE43原题。题目本题讨论有效的领导与伦理道德标准之间的关系,提出了一个必要性命题(必须要具有最高伦理道德标准,才会是有效的领导)。题目有两个易混信息点:effective和highest ethical and moral standards,就像父母总是对孩子说:“你长大之后要出人头地,现在就要好好学习”。但是,是否一定要好好学习才能出人头地?由此即可展开对本题的思路。相对来说反对题目的写法是大家经常采用的。此题难点在于对“effective”和“highest ethical and moral standards”的解释以及衔接上,在分析的时候需要注意。
1. 如何评价领导是否有效?在一位领导会涉及的各个方面,“有效”是以什么样的形式表现出来的?是否存在一个衡量的标准?请结合具体事例简述。
回答: 评价一个领导是否有效要看他涉及的领域,对于政治领域的领导,有效体现在决策力和为人民服务的能力,民众对其的评价等;对于公司企业的领导,需要引导正确的发展方向,好的销售业绩,团队合作能力,员工对其评价;如果一个领导涉及很多方面,需要综合多方面衡量,个人能力,人格魅力,品德行为,应变能力等等都很重要。
2. 领导的有效性由哪些因素共同决定?这些因素中哪些是最关键的?
回答: 团结能力,设定可行目标,执行力,判断力,有公正的评判标准,受人爱戴,良好的道德标准。都很重要。
3. 在一个人成为领导的过程以及之后的工作中,有哪些必经之路?这些必经之路上会存在哪些考验?克服这些考验需要什么样的实力和品质?
回答: 必然要经过失败的考验,这是每个人的必经之路。 每个人做的决定都不一定是对的,所谓智者千虑也必有一失,决定的对错可能直接就影响到失败与否。所以,在失败的路上,考验的是你面对挫折的心态和面对错误的心态。需要有顽强不屈的抗打击能力,勇于承担责任的品质,及时调整自己的心态才能面对成功。
4. 极高的道德标准会给一个领导带来哪些好处?又会带来哪些坏处?
回答: 极高的道德标准会督促一个领导秉公执政,造福民众,全心全意奉献社会。同时,极高的道德标准会为其设置很高的门槛,虽然理想和美好,但却难以实现,久而久之对一个领导人的自我认可和评估产生不利影响。 高尚的道德水准可以让领导能够具有更多的人格魅力和凝聚力,人们会相信道德高的个体;但是过高的道德水准如果不能协调应用到实际中可能会过于死板,失去很多机会,甚至对团队过于苛刻导致离心 极高的道德标准会让领导不轻易被利诱,保持两袖清风的作风。 但是太高的道德会容易让其他的下属产生距离感,从而很难和下属产生很近距离的关系,所谓不亲民则速不达,最后导致低效率的结果。
5. 一个不具备“极高道德标准”的人能否成为有效的领导?如果有,请举例并简单分析其成功与道德的关系。
回答: 有可能成为;极高道德标准是很少有人能够做到的,亚历山大大帝,作为一个帝王与征服者,他不能够说是一个道德水准极为高尚的人,因为侵略违背了这一点,但无可否认他是马其顿Macedon的英雄领导强大着;领导需要的是能力,凝聚力。Alexander the Great,He was undefeated in battle and is considered one of history's most successful commanders. 极高的道德标准是评价和考核领导人的一个方面,并不是全部,它是前提和基础;“有效”涵义也甚广,不能单纯以此作为评价标准。
Is it true that to be an effective leader, a public official must maintain the highest ethical and moral standards? The answer to this question might be not. Granted that high ethical and moral standards are to some extent significant to evaluate leaders. Other factors, however, need also to be taken into account to judge whether a leader performs effective or not.
A leader's functions may cover various areas, ranging from political to business to academical and educational fields. Ethical and moral standards are one of the important factors when we see a public leader. Consider a political leader. Ethical and moral standards are necessary since a nation's political leader is representing a nation's image. In which way the leader speaks and behaves may have effect on the nation's citizens and other nations' impressions. One of American president Lincoln is a good example, who use high standards to constrain his action and decision, and has made great contribution to the emancipation of blacks in American history. Consider a business leader, who need to form high moral and ethical standards to do legal trade and compete equally with others. Steve Jobs and Bill Gates are all good leaders with high moral belief. They competes with each other by creating more popular products rather than copying others' ideas. Consider educational leaders, such as a president of a college, who also requires high moral and ethical standards to become the idol or paradigm of all the faculties and students in this college. Finally consider an academic leader in physical area. High moral standards are emphasized in the academic field since stealing others' creativity or idea is treated as the worst thing. Academic leaders are asked to regulate their fellowship to work on their own thoughts and reverence others' achievements.
However, that whether an leader is effective or not cannot be judged only by examining his or her ethical and moral standards. There are many other, maybe more important, factors to determine an effective leader. More generally speaking, an effective leader needs to have their own judgment and determination, as well as his or her ability to understand and cooperate with others, and the responsibility for people and also the admiration by people. Among these standards, high morality and ethos are one aspect to reflect a leader's good personality, which means that the leader will act more fairly when facing controversial situations. Yet, excessive constraints by one's high moral and ethical standards may make a leader estranged from his or her subordinates and people, which may make him or her hard to communicate and coordinate with others.
As we know, the highest morality and ethos are difficult for one person to maintain, especially for some public officials, since they consider more comprehensively and their decision or judgment will influence many people's life or more seriously impact a nation's future. Thus, we could not acquire all public leaders to possess the highest moral or ethical standards. Alexandar the Great is a good example who is unquestionably an effective leader to Macedon. He was undefeated in battle and is considered one of the history's most successful commanders. But he had not maintained the highest moral and ethical standards for his desire of aggression and conflict. 
As a whole, maintaining high ethical and moral standards is to some extent significant to evaluate leaders, while we need to judge a leader from many synthesized facets to determine an effective leader.
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