TOEFL 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:宋朝攀
【IBT机经-37】Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: The advices from our grandparents have no use for their grandchildren because the world changed a lot during the past fifty years.
题目讨论的是祖父母的建议对我们是否有帮助的问题。题目给了一个判断“The advices given by our grandparents have little to do with the changes that has happened over the past fifty years (祖父母的建议对这五十年来发生的变化不起任何作用)”。诚然,祖父母不可避免地会和时代有些脱节,他们的建议难免会有些过时。但可不能否认的是,时代在变幻,很多事情的本质依然没变,而祖父母建议的珍贵之处就在于对本质地准确把握,对事物的洞察要比我们深刻,目光要比我们深远。所以,能否因祖父母对新生事物接受得慢就否定他们建议的价值是需要在作文中说明的。
1. 毋庸置疑的是祖父母比我们年长,生活阅历要比我们丰富得多。请结合你的实际生活,谈谈祖父母的建议是否有帮助过你?是怎么帮的?
回答: 1好好学习,进入大学 2做一个正直善良的人,做一个高尚的人
2. 祖父母关于哪些方面的建议不会随着时间的推移而减弱它的指导作用?请结合具体事例简述。
回答: 他们关于社会和人生发展的规律不会减弱。比如培养自己的高尚品格,努力学习等
3. 俗话说,不听老人言吃亏在眼前,请结合实际谈谈你对这句话的理解。
回答: 我觉得不能一概而论,需要结合case
4. 请结合具体事例简述世界在过去的五十年里发生了哪些变化?祖父母不可避免地在某些方面与很多新事物发生了脱节,请结合具体事例简述这个现象。
回答: 科技 他们不会用iphone 和ipad 我教他们给我打电话 下载app
5. 祖父母对于这些新生事物的某些观点依然具有很高的参考价值,你同意吗?请结合实际简述。
回答: 不同意 比如他们认为买电子设备浪费钱 但是我认为对生活和学习帮助都很大,比如ipad
As the burgeon of model lifestyle, people are equiped with high tech phones, televisions, and computers. The way of working and the choices of social activities changed a lot as well. Under these circumstances, some people argue the advices from our grandparents, the representitives of old people, have no use for their grandchildren because the world changed a lot during the past fifty years. However, I disagree with this statement, because the essence of life and relationship between humans did not change with the advance of technology.First, grandparents can tell a great amount of useful life experiences. Although these life experiences cannot be fully understood without the wash of time, they can still be helpful for teenagers who stand at the crossroad of life. Take me as an example, When I was young, I used to skiping class and be addicted to videl games. Of course my grades at middle high are low. It is my grandfather who teach me to study hard, go to college and be a man. He described his eagerness of going to universities when he was a boy, but he musst drop from school because of provety. After hearing his story, I was touched and determined to achieve his dream through my hand. I decided to take the responsibility of being a good son. Thats the story of my grandfather and I. Grandparents' have abundant lesssons about life. How to be a man, how to plan our life, and why should we keep a long outlook, these would never fade away with the past of time.Second, grandparents can tell us how to become a moral person with high standards and how to cultivate good characters.I have seen many cases where young children did not listen to their grandparents buried themself finally. One of my childhood friend, jack, used to drinking  a lot everyday and being addicted to drugs. His grandparents hurts broke. They advised him everyday but jack did not accept it. Even oneday jack got angry and almost beated his grandparents. Finally jack was sent into prison because of drugs. His entire life was done. And for me , thanks to my grandparents, they taught to how and why to be a good person with integrity, pesistence and elegance. These help me make many friends in the school and workplace, which contributed much to my career.we have to admit that grandparents do lose to grandchildren in some cases. My sister often teach our grandparents how to use iphones and ipad to get in touch with us. She even guide them to download interesting Apps to have fun. But in the matter of life experience and personalities, their suggestions are still shineing.
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