TOEFL 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:zozy
"When people succeed, it is because of hard work. Luck has nothing to do with success." Do you agree or disagree with the quotation above? Use specific reasons and examples to explain your position.
1. 你认为成功的因素有哪些?
回答: hard work /consistence/opportunity/ contacts/ discipline
2. 你知道一些成功人士的例子吗?描述一个你印象深刻的。
回答: Edison: tried very hard before he finally found the right material for bulb and brought light to the world. Yu Minghong : studied very hard before he finally got involved into the Beijing University and went through a period of hard time
3. 你自己有过成功的经历吗?你是经过刻苦努力得来的,还是有一点点碰运气?
回答: cooking: first i cooked but not that tasty,and i cooked every meal for my family, go through the internet and look for different recipes and ask for advice of my father and mother. and at last i succeed to make a delicious meal. i participate in a speech competition. when i got the title ,i got confused. i think about it day and night surf the internet for a vast of info. finally i got an idea and write it down. i write a long draft so i have a little bit difficulties to recite but i practice and practice and when the day comes i calmed myself down and my performance is almost perfect. i was astonished when i passed and got into the final competition.
  When people fail, they always blame the bad luck.It gives them an appropriate reason to comfort  themselves while it also overrules their eyes.It never comes to their mind that it is  their laziness that lead to the so-called misfortune. I always hold the view that success is the product of hard work rather than the good luck.  Successful individuals from home and abroad ascribe their success to their consistently hard work. Edison never gave away before he finally found the best suited material for bulb. Yu Minhong, a well-known Chinese entrepreneur, had tried the College Entrance Examination for at least  six times before he eventually got involved in the Beijing University .   As for me ,I have also  experienced the  joy of triumph after a period of hard-working . I participated in the English speech contest in our school last year. When I got the title, I felt confused. I surf the Internet for information in order to reach a better understanding and thought about it on and on. When I got an idea, I took it down. At last, I had that drift written. Then I tried very hard to practice and practice.I adjusted my expressions, my  gestures and every pronunciation of every word.  It was fantastic when I heard that I had advanced to  the final contest.   
  Maybe good luck would play a part sometimes in some situation. Hard work undoubtedly is the basis of the success.    In one word, we could not count on that one day good luck will come upon us. Instead, we need to see our goals and make every effort to do every step well. And always keep in mind that hard work is the basis.
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