TOEFL 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:Anna_201
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Face-to-face communication is better than other types of communication, such as letters, email, or telephone calls. Use specific reasons and details to support your answer.
1. 你或你朋友通常采用哪种方式交流?为什么会选择那种方式?
回答: QQ、电话、吃饭
2. 人们面对面交流的时候需要注意什么?
回答: 注意礼貌、语气,不要不小心伤害别人
3. 面对面交流有何利弊?
回答: 弊:有些不便说的话不好直接说 利:可以使表达更清楚明白。
4. 书信等其他非面对面交流方式使用起来有何利弊?
回答: 利:有些内容用书信表达更方便,如感情 弊:不直观,容易产生误会 如聊QQ不知道语气
5. 你认为怎样选择恰当的交流方式?
回答: 一间接为主,直接为辅,平时电话或网上联系,偶尔见面吃饭约会。
  Communications are so important in modern society. Peple can solve all kinds of problems through communications. which kinds of communications you like best ?  The face to face ones? Telepone calls? Emails? As for me,  the face to face communication is much better.
  Face to face talks can make the communication clearer and more efficient. when I talk with people, I   know exactly what they mean  by the words and also  the lookings on their face and the tones of their voices. when I am confused sometimes by what they are talking about, I can get the answer immediately just by asking some questions. In some business trade communications, face to face talks can make people understand each other better and sign the contrasts more quickly.
  Face to face communications develope a long term relationship among friends. when I miss my friends, I always invite them to have dinner together. We are so happy to see eacher and have so many topics to share with. At the end of the meeting, we usually date some activities for the next time,maybe climbing the mountain or going shoppings. We both remember the dates firmly and wait for the time coming. We will contact with each other frequently.
  Admittedly, some indirect communications play a very important role in our daily life. When we feel inconvenient to express our feelings to some friends, we may often choose the Emails or the short messages in a mobile phone. It will not make people feel embarrassed sometime. But all in all, my favorite ways to communicate with people are face to face talks. l like to speak so much and I am happy to see the smiles in people's faces.
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