TOEFL 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:Leslie_327
You have decided to give several hours of your time each month to improve the community where you live. What is one thing you will do to improve your community? Why? Use specific reasons and details to explain your choice.
1. 你觉得你们社区有什么不好的地方?描述一下具体情况。
回答: 人与人之间交流少。大家都忙于自己的生活,邻里间很少有交流
2. 你觉得改善这个方面对你和社区居民有何好处?
回答: 能创建一个良好的社区交流氛围
3. 你打算如何改进这个方面?
回答: 开展一些有趣的活动
4. 看看你所在的城市其他小区有没有同样的问题?他们都是怎么解决的?
回答: 有。通过活动解决
It is not rare to see that, unlike in the old time, nowdays people live in a community communicate little with each other. Our community is just a case in point, my family don't know much about our neighbors, nor do any of them know much about us. Most of the time we do nothing more than just a simple greeting when we meet each other on the way home. If I give several hours of my time each month to improve our community, I would like to hold some interesting activities that all of the people live in the community could take part in, thus to help them get to know more about each other.
Holding activities in a community brings several good effects. To begin with, people can have much fun. After a long time working or studing thoughout weekdays, an interesting community party can no doubtedly be a good choice for everyone. For example,  we can sit in a big room and watch video together, And by hold a vote several days earlier, all who take part in get to decide which movie to watch. By attending such activities several times a month, people enjoy a very good time togher and full relax themselves as well.
Also, community activities help establishing an harmonious atmousphere among neighborhood.  People would get to know more about others by communication. During talking, one can find others who share the same interests and make friends with them.
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