GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:大眼睛大叔
To be an effective leader, a public official must maintain the highest ethical and moral standards. [Specific Task Instruction: Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the claim. In developing and supporting your position, be sure to address the most compelling reasons and/or examples that could be used to challenge your position.]
本题为老GRE的ISSUE43原题。题目讨论有效的领导与伦理道德标准之间的关系,提出了一个必要性命题(必须要具有最高伦理道德标准,才会是有效的领导)。题目有两个易混信息点:effective和highest ethical and moral standards,就像父母总是对孩子说:“你长大之后要出人头地,现在就要好好学习”。但是,是否一定要好好学习才能出人头地?由此即可展开对本题的思路。相对来说反对题目的写法是大家经常采用的。此题难点在于对“effective”和“highest ethical and moral standards”的解释以及衔接上,在分析的时候需要注意。
1. 如何评价领导是否有效?在一位领导会涉及的各个方面,“有效”是以什么样的形式表现出来的?是否存在一个衡量的标准?请结合具体事例简述。
回答: 要看领导的行政水平和管理能力还有业绩等。行政水平高,管理能力强,业绩好等表现。比如历史上评价君王要看他在位期间社会国家各个方面的发展水平,政治经济文化外交科技教育等等方面都要考察。
2. 领导的有效性由哪些因素共同决定?这些因素中哪些是最关键的?
回答: 是否有较强的行政能力,管理能力,决策能力,洞察力,执行力等等。管理能力和决策能力应该是最重要的。
3. 在一个人成为领导的过程以及之后的工作中,有哪些必经之路?这些必经之路上会存在哪些考验?克服这些考验需要什么样的实力和品质?
回答: 从最基层干起,一点点被提拔起来。在此过程中他的各方面能力都在考察范围内,因此作为领导要有许多过人的能力,行政能力,管理能力,决策能力,洞察力,执行力等等
4. 极高的道德标准会给一个领导带来哪些好处?又会带来哪些坏处?
回答: 好处:领导在道德上是个好领导,在各方面严格要求自己,不会做出违法犯罪和违背道义的事。他本人也一定是个刚正不阿的人。 坏:过于死板教条,难于变通,有句老话:清官让人敬但也令人畏。
5. 一个不具备“极高道德标准”的人能否成为有效的领导?如果有,请举例并简单分析其成功与道德的关系。
回答: 能。 极高的道德标准只能说明他在道德上是个完美的人,这与成为有效的领导人没有必然的联系。回顾历史有很多暴君同时也是有效的领导人,比如秦始皇生性多疑,焚书坑儒,杀害平民,奢侈无度。但同时他也是为有效的领导者,为封建帝制开了先河然后也为社会发展做了卓越贡献。

  The speaker asserts that to be an effective leader, a public official must maintain the highest ethical and moral standards. In my point of view, however, I am afraid I cannot agree with the speaker. I concede that highest ethical and moral standards are important to an effective leader, but they are not necessary. There are also many other factors for an effective leader.
  Adimittedly, owning the highest ethical and moral standards is important for an effective leader. Those standards cannot allow the leader to make illegal or harmful decisions in his or her work. And the leader with the highest ethical and moral standards must be strict with himself or herself which is beneficial for other people. For example, as one of the greatest president of America in history, it is no doubt that Lincoln is an ethical example for everyone. He could forgive everyone but not himself and was friendly to his citizens. He gave freethom to blacks and led his citizens to win the Civil War. He was a great man in both his ethic and aptitude.
  However, too much emphasis on the highest ethical and moral standards is one-sided. Sometimes, they may restrict the behavior of the leader and disable them to transcend the traditional limits. Those will lead to ineffective and dogmatic leadership. For example, although Adolf Hitler was a crazy warfare who was so cruel to Jews and launched the Second World War, historians have to concede that this crazy man lead German struggling after the First World War to a powerful nation in military and economy. People have to concede that he was an effective leader in politics, military and economy to some extent.
   Finally, there are many other essential factors for an effective leader like management ability, insight, wisedom, persistence, courage and so on. Many effective leaders are not perfect individuals in ethic and moral. For example, president Bill Clinton's reputation was damaged by his sex scanduals. But that was not obtacal in his leadership. During his times, America's economy and technology developed rapidly and steady. Even until now, he is one of famous president who is famous for his eloquence, wisedom and courage and he remains popular in America.
 To sum up, I concede that an effective leader with the highest ethical and moral standards can improve the well-being of its citizens or subordinations. But the highest ethical and moral standards are not necessary factors for an effective leader. So I tend to disagree with the speaker.

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