TOEFL 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:lxl_981
In some countries, people are no longer allowed to smoke in many public places and office buildings. Do you think this is a good rule or a bad rule? Use specific reasons and details to support your position.
1. 你自己吸烟吗?你或者你认识的朋友吸烟一般在什么地方?
回答: 吸烟 厕所,户外,可吸烟处
2. 吸烟的危害有哪些?
回答: 影响自己健康 二手烟更影响别人健康
3. 吸烟除了对吸烟者本身有危害,对周边的人有影响吗?
回答: 有,二手烟比自己抽烟危害还大
4. 你觉得这个法规还有什么可以改进的地方?
回答: 适当罚款,没收烟。
Nowadays,there are many more people smoke in public,the increase is getting more fast than before.How to control this situation.Some countries stop the tabacco advertisement play in the televesion and post in the public area.Some countries  people are no longer allowed to smoke in many public places and office buildings.As far as I am concerned,I completely agree with the latter idea.
The first reaso I want to put forward is that smoking is considerably harmful to people's health.According to a recent statistic from WHO,there is a one people in ten died since smoking.Also every six seconds a people will die from smoking.Somking has a considerably negtive effect on people's health.It makes people get cancer easily and affects people life-span.Besides,smoking will have influence on people who are near here.And they will get more diasease than people who smoke themselves.
Another important reason that cannot be ignored is that the cigarette will cause fire.People smoke in public places and office building really will make a fire as long as they deposal cigarette everywhere.We can not see what will happen.It maybe let lots of people died in the building and the properties can not count.Life abounds with such example.One in fifth fire problems caused by cigarette.Indeed,it brings disadvantages in local economy.
However,we can not stop the people who smoke like a habit.They can not give up smoking in a short time.Smoking let them have a greater efficiency on working.Futhermore,it can makes them relax when they deal with complex situation.For a artists,after smoking,a new inspiration will produce.So public places and building could provide some smoking room instead of prohibiting.
From what have been discussed above,it can be directly concluded that it is more beneficial for people no longer smoke in public areas.In this way we can get a better enviroment and decrease the probility of causing fire.So i think the latter one is more reasonable.
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