IELTS 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:laohou
In order to learn a language well, we should also learn about the country as well as the cultures and lifestyles of the people who speak this language. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?
1. 你学过哪些外语?
回答: 英语
2. 学习外语的同时,你有没有附带着学习那个国家的文化和人们的生活方式?学了的话,有什么帮助?
回答: 学英语过程中学习了英美的文化以及一些风俗习惯等。这可以帮助我了解英美的历史、更有助于理解文章
3. 如果不学习这些文化类的知识,那对学这门外语有什么影响?
Learning a foreign language has become a trend in many parts of the world especially China,my motherland.A number of factors contribute to this phenomenona ,such as the development of society,the boosting of the economy,and the smaller and smaller world by telecommunication.While learning a language well not only means understanding its grammmar and sytax  or having a large vocabulary,but also requires the knowledge of its culture and its life style .
Having a good understanding of the culture and lifestyle of a foeign country leads to a easier way to study its own language,compared to one without a proper konwledge in this field.For example,one can understand a complex setence more readily if he konws the way the local citizens talk and the way they express their ideas--a part of their lifestyle.In addition,while one is reading a passage or a book from the foreign cities,he may,to some extent,obtain the underground information that the author implied implicitly if he have a good understanding of the lifestyles the local residents,the author included, have.
Futher more,learning a foreign culture is also another key ingredient in learning a foreign language,for the culture itself can provide us handsome konwledge of a nation,even a continent ,which helps the students study to learn a foreign language to a considerable extent.For example,without  porper konwledge of the American history ,one can hardly fully understand the famous novel Gone with  the wind intends to express,neither does one with little konwledge of Chinese culture can understand a local person's words excatly--let alone learning Chinese well.
Important as the life styles and cultures are, one should pay much atteniton to them.With a deep understanding of both of the two aspects,one can learn a foreign language with ease and interest.Albeit grammar and vocabulary play a indispensible role in language study,the above two aspects should be taken poriorly,for without culture and lifestye,a language is on longer a language but dullful words and syntax.
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