GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:李然
Society should identify those children who have special talents and provide training for them at an early age to develop their talents. [Specific Task Instruction: Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the recommendation and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, describe specific circumstances in which adopting the recommendation would or would not be advantageous and explain how these examples shape your position.]
本题改编自老GRE的ISSUE214"Society should identify those children who have special talents and abilities and begin training them at an early age so that they can eventually excel in their areas of ability. Otherwise, these talents are likely to remain undeveloped"。题目讨论对有才能的孩子的培养问题,题目认为应当从小就找到并培养他们。在分析的过程中,可以从拥有特殊才会和能力的孩子所需要的发展空间、在所属领域中出类拔萃所需要的条件、开发才能与社会培养之间的关系、早期培养的利弊、社会对这些孩子可能造成的正负面影响等方面展开思考。需要注意的是在论述过程中一定要针对society、training、children who have special talents and abilities、early age这些关键词。
1. 请列举历史上,不同时期的不同社会对“有特殊才华和能力的孩子”的不同对待方式,并列举由此导致的结果。
回答: 这个真心没搜到。不同时期???不同社会??? 考试----没时间培养,泯灭了。 莫扎特----没压制,成功了。 科学表明人脑是有天才区域的,做了试验。
2. 社会和有特殊才华和能力的孩子之间都有哪些关系?请举例并简述。(可从彼此间的正负面影响和直接间接影响考虑)
回答: 1社会给天才儿童提供更好的培训机会,但是也有时提供了高压力的舆论环境或规范,扼杀了其才能 2天才儿童给社会做出了卓越的贡献,在艺术和技术层面,但可能会给普通人造成心理压力,导致价值观的不健康发展,或取得过分关注浪费资源
3. 从小开始的培养对有特殊才华和能力的孩子有哪些利弊?是否有因为从小开始培养而在他们所擅长的领域中出类拔萃的先例?是否有因为从小开始的培养对这些孩子发挥自己的才能造成了抑制?请举例并简述。
回答: 1利-further development 2弊-too much attention,身心发展不健康。 2弊-心理压力大。爱因斯坦很难与人交往,尼采某种程度精神分裂,梵高精神市场,米开朗基罗孤独症。
4. 一个人才能的开发与否都受哪些因素影响?请举例并简述。
回答: 1先天。莫扎特。 2 后天,是否被发现及得到有效的培养;培养方式和方向;心理承受能力
    There are no two same leaves in the world. If you admit this, you must admit that God is not always fair in every aspect and there do are talented people in the world. Before any further discussion, I want to make it clear by defining “talented people” as those who have a gift or learn more quickly in certain area compared to the average level. Mozart created music appreciated all over the world from his era to ours at the age of 13. Kim Ung-yong went to college when he was only 4 years old and got his PHD degree at 15. We cannot help to imagine that, how many talented children we might have missed? What if we could find out all the children who have special gift and train them to do more huge contributions to the world? How many incredible arts and technologies would we gain from those people? However, in spite of all those beautiful imaginations, “identifying those children who have special talents and providing training for them at an early age to develop their talents” seemed both impossible and unnecessary to me.     Government foundation and private sustentation fund for education are increasing though, resource of education for the whole society is far from plentiful. In some areas, from all over the world, children cannot afford school fee and they have to stay at home study by themselves. In some villages, of China for example, the school cannot hire a good teacher for students. And if the society spends resources on talented children who are rarely compared to those children I mentioned above, which would be a huge rate of all the resources, it would be harmful to other students who share the same resources. On the other hand, even if the resource for education is inexhaustible, it is almost impossible to contribute a worked system to find out the talented children and train them. What kind of talent should we choose? How do we make the standards to define whether a child is or not a talented one? How could we train them and could we sure that they will do more contributions to the society than the “common” people? Does it worth? There are so many questions and risks, and so much payment and so uncertain gain we can predict. It just seemed no worth the time and energy to me.   What’s more, talented people actually cannot play as important roles as in people’s expectation.  To the society, history has confirmed again and again that evolution is created by groups of people instead of several talented individuals. Renaissance of Europe was finished by the humanity culture in the whole country, not several wonderful artists with single paintings or sculptures. And a balance between common people and talented ones is required to prevent passive emotion diffusing in the society. To the talented children themselves, been treated differently since they were young are probably not good things too. Since they also have emotion requirement, need care and demand love, being seen as a “monster”, in some meaning, might confuse them and led them to be passivism and nonfeasance that we have never expected.   To sum up, choosing talented children and training them is not only a waste of time and resource, but also a risk to the consequence we expect. Talented people, in my opinion, are someone that we could expect and admire, but not request. To contribute a better society and life, we should pay more attention on training “skilled” people than genius, create a wise culture instead of a single hero, depend on nobody else but ourselves.
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