GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:lhzm
Society should identify those children who have special talents and provide training for them at an early age to develop their talents. [Specific Task Instruction: Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the recommendation and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, describe specific circumstances in which adopting the recommendation would or would not be advantageous and explain how these examples shape your position.]
本题改编自老GRE的ISSUE214"Society should identify those children who have special talents and abilities and begin training them at an early age so that they can eventually excel in their areas of ability. Otherwise, these talents are likely to remain undeveloped"。题目讨论对有才能的孩子的培养问题,题目认为应当从小就找到并培养他们。在分析的过程中,可以从拥有特殊才会和能力的孩子所需要的发展空间、在所属领域中出类拔萃所需要的条件、开发才能与社会培养之间的关系、早期培养的利弊、社会对这些孩子可能造成的正负面影响等方面展开思考。需要注意的是在论述过程中一定要针对society、training、children who have special talents and abilities、early age这些关键词。
1. 请列举历史上,不同时期的不同社会对“有特殊才华和能力的孩子”的不同对待方式,并列举由此导致的结果。
回答: Mozart,少年天才,且少年成名,公众瞩目,到处演出,促进继续进步;中国古代仲永,少年天才,父母偏爱,众人夸奖,自满,长大平平
2. 社会和有特殊才华和能力的孩子之间都有哪些关系?请举例并简述。(可从彼此间的正负面影响和直接间接影响考虑)
回答: 社会→神童 好:夸奖,促进进步;监督批判,促进改正不好的东西;贫穷的,被关注之后,有资本去接受更好的学习,eg:宋祖英,唱歌天赋,发现培养,民歌天后 不好:过渡关注,过渡开发,影响正常发展,甚至走向歪路eg:林妙可,童星,2008年奥运会开幕式唱歌,之后父母过渡商业开发,学业影响,价值观 神童→社会,好,往往给某一领域带来突破性的进展,eg:丁俊晖,中国斯诺克事业推广 不好 很难有一个很好的机制去发现这些神童,怎么判断
3. 从小开始的培养对有特殊才华和能力的孩子有哪些利弊?是否有因为从小开始培养而在他们所擅长的领域中出类拔萃的先例?是否有因为从小开始的培养对这些孩子发挥自己的才能造成了抑制?请举例并简述。
4. 一个人才能的开发与否都受哪些因素影响?请举例并简述。
The world is eager to seek prodigies today because talented personality and instinct gifts seemto be viewed to more and more precious and difficult to find today, consequently I agree with the claim that children with special talents should be protected from being oblivious and effected by some other detrimental things from outside before they have the opportunity to perform the talents. But I am not in favor with the proposal that these children should be provided training at an early age to develop their talents.
The chief reason for both the society and their parents to protect such children is that some gifted children in several specific areas, like art and mathematicas, are too valuable and if discovered early and cultivated well, they may initiate an new echo of their field or solve some most difficult problems. Take Mozart as an example, being found with a high talents with music, he started playing music at an age of three, and performed throughout the country in the later years, which tempered his skills remarkably. As a result, he became a milestone of the history of the music. Another illustration is Chinese S player Ding Junhun, who is training for the game from a very early age, about only 10years old,  and now, he is regarded as the first one to introduce and advertise the game in China.
Paying early attention to those children possesses another advantage that all these external attention may act as a catalyst and precipetate their growth as a master, or can scrutinize them from giving  up. The most beneficial function for those who have no economical ability to pursue their gifts is that the attention from the whole societ may solve them such problems. Take the famous popular singer Song Zuying,as an example, she grew up in a remote and impoverished village in Hunan province, her talented singing skills are found to be remarkable but she could not afford to get access to further training, them the mass medium all reported her story, and the music college patron her musical study since she was only about 10 or 11years old. Now she has been one of the most popular singers in China.
On the other hand, early training can also impede some children's regular growth, for it is hard to distinguish from the normal children and those genious. If the children are not interested in the training the parents give to them because they are really not good at the skills, the result can be advers. What happens in China nowadays can be a compelling illustration. Most Chinese parents desire their children to be a music prodigy or a great painter when they grow up, and even have scripted their children's future. Correspondingly, they urged them to accept training on those subjects day after day without weekend and holidays, 3 or 4 hours per day. But how many of them possess the gifts to be a master? As a resul most children are reluctant to approach anything relating the subjects in the rest of their life.
What also makes early training not proper is that they may overstate the talents and make commercial use with the talents, which may damage and even kill the children's talents. Take the "Olympic girl" as an example, Lin Miaoke, who is only 8 years old when she was chosen to be the lucky girl to sing in the opening ceremony in 2008 Olympic Games. After the ceremony, she was paid so much attention and participated in many commercials, performance and even movies, subsequently, her school life ended and then the overuing of her skills brought her detrimental influence, and now she is almost out of people's eyesight.
In summary, I fundamentaly agree that those talented children should be protected but oppose that they should be given such early training for the negative effects that may have in their later life.
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