TOEFL 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:Smiley
【IBT机经-41】Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: Parents should give school-age children money for high grade they get in school.
1. 请结合时代环境,谈谈钱在这个社会的重要作用以及人们的金钱观?
回答: 衣食住行,玩乐都需要金钱。人们对前钱看的很重
2. 学生参加考试的重要作用是什么呢?请结合实际简述。
回答: 检验自己学习的状态与对知识掌握的情况
3. 请结合实际简述,金钱是如何发挥它的激励作用的?
回答: 学生可能有想要的东西需要钱买,为了得到钱他们会努力学习考出好成绩。
4. 有人说,题目中的方法会增加孩子们学习的功利性,不利于孩子的健康成长,你是否赞同?请结合实际简述你的理由。
回答: 赞同。孩子可能会为了好成绩不则手段,过分重视成绩,忽略了考试实质的意义。
5. 除了金钱的奖励方法,你认为还有哪些方法能够有效地奖励孩子们在学校的优异表现?请结合实际简述。
回答: 1
Explosive technology and science have been done in the past year. When it comes to talk about education, more and more parents pay much attention on their children's grade in school. In order to encourge their children to study hard, they come up with many different ways to reward chilren if they could get high grade in examinations. Among these ways, giving them money is definite common. Some people may wonder whether it is beneficial for children. Indeed, sometimes this way could work, but I firmly believe that giving money for school-age children is not a reasonable option. As a matter of fact, money might be direct contact with the destination immorally.   Before parent  encourging their children to get higher grade in school,  they should enable children to realize the meaning of examination. The examination is just a method to check whether student understand knowledge well so that the grade is not the most important element for student. Instead of getting high grade, they should find their weakness in study through exam.  But if parent just treat grade as the only standard, it might cause children seek high grade blindly. In order to get high grade, they might take action that is immoral such as copy other student's answer. This behavior is definite not good for student.In addition, money may act will at first but it cannot encourage children for lifetime. The destination fr parent to give money for students is stimulating them overcome diffcult and get good achievement. As a student, most problems they meet might be related to study or simply said to grade.  And most things they want  can be gotten by money like some toys or  desert. In this case, money could be effectual. But in the future, children have to meet  various problems and something they want cannot be gotten by money. Money could not be a impetus for people to achieve everything. For example, my mother want me to become a teacher but I really think this job is too hard. So, I am not willing to try to do though she gives me much money.Admittedly, giving money to school-age children might be effectual in some situation. We cannot deny that not every children will do something immoral to get high grade. For instance, my uncle really likes this way to stimulate my cousin Jane to studey hard. Jane likes doll so that she tries her best to collect many different dolls. Therefore, my uncle promised her that if she could be top5 in her class, he will give her enough money to buy a new doll. This way is efficient and Jane kept the high grade until she entered the university. Although giving money could act will for Jane, it could not suit for every students. So parent could be cautious to take this action.Although giving money for children as a incentive might encourge them to study hard and get better grade in school sometimes, it could work well all the time. Children have to face some problems without any reward in the future. Money could not be a impetus to push them do everything. And parent might face worse condition that children will do something immoral to get high grade. In sum, giving money for school-age children to encourge them get higher grade is more harm than beneficial.  
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