TOEFL 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:liujianan
【IBT机经-33】Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: People should work quickly and risk making mistakes or should work slowly and make sure that everything is correct?
1. 什么样的工作强调速度和效率?为什么?请结合实际简述。
回答: 运输快递, 火警救援:时间就是生命,越快速度赶到事故现场开启救援行动就有,遇难者存活的几率就越大。地震发生后的黄金救援时间72小时
2. 请结合具体事例说明哪些工作不允许犯错?错误会导致什么结果?
回答: 建筑,医疗,食品生产
3. 工作中什么样的错误是可以被原谅的?请结合实际简述。
回答: 细节错误没有造成严重后果,无伤大雅,或者能够轻易被人们发现并容易改正的错误 例如教师在PPT课件中出现的拼写错误 售货员拿错产品卖给顾客
4. 什么样的工作强调准确性?请结合具体事例简述。
回答: 机械制造,航天航空,会计工作,银行查帐
5. 请结合实际简述,你认为正确的工作方式是什么?
回答: 保障效率的基础上适当提高速度,不能只关注速度忽视正确率。如果因为追求速度而产生问题,可能需要更大的精力和时间去弥补,得不偿失。
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: People should work quickly and risk making mistakes or should work slowly and make sure that everything is correct?
Different job has different work style. Some of people may prefer to work quickly. Since every minute means a lot to them. Others pay attention to accuracy, they work slowly and make sure everything is correct before moving to next step. Every method has its own strong points and weaknesses. It is inevitable to suffer a high risk of making mistakes if working too fast. As to the second one, less work will be finished in the same amount of time compared with the first style. I would like to say that accuracy is more important, I will work slowly to guarantee everything I have done is right as much as possible.
Many jobs required extremely carefulness and no mistakes are allowed. It is because there will be serious consequences because of careless. A good example of this point is doctor. Doctors are mint to save life and they are trained to be meticulous and responsive. Patients life and their families happiness is related to what doctors operate on the table. If doctors just focus on how many cases and operation they have done instead of what they really should do for patients' health, it will less meaningful to be a doctor. What is worse, once mistakes have been made, consequences are often irreversible. Therefore, what a doctor's attention should be payed to how many people have been cured more than the number of patients are diagnosed. This is also the same to architects. Every building is measured precisely, deviations are allow in a range, however, once buildings are finished according to wrong graph or results which go beyond deviations given by careless architects, people's life are threatened. 
In addition,  some works are complex.  A huge project is often contributed by numerous data or experimental result. 
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