GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:Alice_918
How children are socialized today determines the destiny of society. Unfortunately, we have not yet learned how to raise children who can help bring about a better society.
1. 孩子们适应社会的能力强(或弱)表现在哪些方面?请举例说明。
回答: 有自己的职业规划和理想;有责任心;能吃苦;有上进心;有很强的学习能力;博学;有很好的交流能力。
2. 社会发展会受到哪些重要因素的影响?这些因素哪些是和孩子们适应社会的能力有关的?请举例说明。
回答: 社会发展会受到经济上,环境上,科技上,文化上的影响。经济上孩子需要有很好的洞察力,与创新精神,掌握新时代经济发展的方向。有责任心的孩子才会懂得保护环境的重要意义。在科技不断发展的当今,需要有很强的学习能力来应用这些先进的知识。随着社会的发展,国际化的趋势将渗透到很多的领域,需要有很好沟通能力的人来与来自世界不同地方的人经行交流。
3. 适应社会能力强(或弱)的孩子会对社会做出什么贡献?会给社会带来什么麻烦?请举例说明。
回答: 适应社会强的孩子将会帮助社会注入新的活力:创造性的思考帮助改革原有的一些制度,体系。掌握先进的技术将会帮助对产业的改革和转变。良好的沟通能力将会帮助企业向国际发展。
4. 我们有哪些具体的手段和方法来培养孩子适应社会?这些手段和方法在现代社会中被执行的情况如何?为什么会出现这种情况?请举例说明。
回答: 通过鼓励,支持他们创造性的思维;培养他们团队协作的能力;提高他们的自学能力;培养他们独立思考的能力;为他们创造与不同人交流的平台。执行的情况不是很理想。原因在于虽然我们认为这些能力很重要,但是却缺少规范的培养只将其作为一种附加值在孩子的学习生活中。成绩好就是王道的事实并没改变,我们很少有机会特意培养孩子以上方面的能力,大都处在孩子自己去锻炼这些方面的能力,但是当一个孩子有能力认识这些不足并改变的时候为时已晚。国内高中,大学的教育与国外不仅在学术上更注重其他社会能力上。
5. 哪些因素会制约我们对孩子适应社会能力的培养?请举例说明。
回答: 对还子的过分宠爱。如最近刚兴起的一个词叫抱大族。
   Children are the hope of the future. The influence of the education to the society is hard to assess. Continuously in the past education is concerned by each government. Although the mode of education is different in different places, the destination is same which is to foster a person to possess the capacity to push the society forward. In that case how children are socialized today determines the destiny of society.
  Socialized children should in possession of a creative thinking, a strict self-discipline consciousness, a independent thinking and the ability to live alone. The profound knowledge is also another necessity. Many facts may influence the development of society like the economy, the science technology and the environment. When Watt invents the steam engine, the first industrial innovation is out breaking which promote the society forward either. The independent and creative thinking let Watt see another side of the common phenomenon and create a miracle. People always accept the fact easily which lead them lack the conscious to take a further more step. The independent and creative thinking we lose is precisely the key to change the world, while Newton and Albert Einstein demonstrate the truth to us one more time. As the development of society, the ratio of the economy is changing from the agriculture society to the industrial society. And now it's time to adjust the industry one more time to adapt the new age. A man who is farsighted and erudite will well prepare to the incoming new age. Gasping the direction of the development trend and exploiting the new market, the economy will stimulate growth accompanied with personal success. The other ability like strict self-discipline and the ability to live alone is the fundamental element for a socialized person.
  What may let us be gratified with is that we have the realization of the importance of such abilities, unfortunately we don't know the way of cultivating children to let them satisfied the requirements. Under the current system of judgment criteria, score is everything. We divide our children into different levels according to their scores and omit the other factors. Through the present examination system, the other crucial factor to evaluate a person is neglected. School courses overemphasize the examination but not the method of considering a problem. When the evaluation system becomes such sole and rigid, some children may lost the interest to explore the world and others may be mislead to the wrong way to use any means to get a good scores. Moreover, Parents continuously replace the role in instilling the score idea into children's mind out of school. In their mind promising children will get high scores which permeate in their daily talk to their children. Growing up under such environment many kids original creativity will be easily eliminated.
  School don't regard such abilities as an important content listed in the instructional objectives. Furthermore the whole society seem to lack the consciousness to raise children to be socialized. Few associations will offer the children opportunity to participate in a long program as an volunteer stepping into the society before they enter the university. The main possible reason is obvious. Having no time to do the extra thing, their time is occupied with the amount of continuation classes. In school's daily education the discussion classes is mere. Children is under the condition to absorb the knowledge and method from teacher but don't know the procedure of thinking by themselves. The innovation is only as a additional part in the course which is not a goal. The communication platform is also lack in today's education. Children hardly have the opportunity to express his thinking towards the public. The debate and lecture opportunity is few.
  The improvements in today’s education mix some new ideas to cultivate a person. However there is still a long way to go since such abilities only as a additional value in current education system. Whether children can successfully step into the society the advanced education is vital. Not everybody will be the scholar in the future so the single judgment may seem unilateral and unfair. Whereas the ability to be socialized in the society is the thing everybody should learn no matter what occupation you will take in the future. When the score is in the power, we have no spare effort to concern other abilities of children. Meanwhile, lacking the chance to let children in contact with the society rendered us lack the chance to see their deficiency.
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