GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:Alice_918
There are two types of laws: just and unjust. Every individual in a society has a responsibility to obey just laws and, even more importantly, to disobey and resist unjust laws.
1. 什么是法律?法律对于社会和人会起到什么作用?请举例说明。
回答: 法律(Law)是国家制定或认可的,由国家强制力保证实施的,以规定当事人权利和义务为内容的具有普遍约束力的行为准则。维护社会稳定。保护个人的利益。
2. 正义的法律能对社会和人类做出什么贡献?请举例说明。
回答: 在推动人类社会稳定发展上起着重要的作用,让人们能在一个相对安稳的环境下生活。
3. 什么是非正义的法律?它们给社会和人类带来了什么问题?请举例说明。
回答: 非正义的法律只是保护少数人群的工具。被少数人利用而造成人与人之间的不平等,激发社会矛盾。
4. 非正义的法律是否一无是处?如果不是,那么它的存在对于社会和人类有什么好处?请举例说明。
5. 人们是否有抵制非正义法律的经历?如果有,请举例说明,并分析在抵制过程中人们付出了什么代价,得到了什么好处。
Law is the regulation for people live in society, and a stander of relationship between people. It formulate the stander behavior of a people, keep people's benefaction not to be infringed and stipulate the rights and obligation. I basically agree with the contention of the speaker that every individuall in a society has a responsibility to obey just laws and disobey and to resist the unjust law.
Before we start argument, we should first figure out  the meaning of just and unjust to a law. In my point of view, just law means it can protect the rights of majority people, and the unjust law only protect the minor people's right becoming the tool for the governing class.  Hence the just can be understand as a fair. For the fair law, the obedience is indisputable. It is the basic command for a person live in a society. No one can deny human is born to have the freedom rights like other creature in the world. However this freedom is build upon some foundanmental rule. The one who do not willing to obey will suffer the serious outcome. For animal, every group has their own rule to formualte the responsibilty of every number, the sequence to eat food and the place to stay. If a violator appeares, it will be suffered the serious punishment and even be banish from the group. We human being like the animal, the nature rule for us is the law, the freedom life is base on the law. We can follow our mind to do the thing we want, to be the people we want to be, however any behaviro against the law will let us lose the freedom we born to have. The conviction is another form of banishment.
On the other hand, for some unjust law we should disobey and even resist. Such law deprive the legitimate freedom of a person, and cannot be seen as a fair       
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