GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:Alice_918
Students should memorize facts only after they have studied the ideas, trends, and concepts that help explain those facts. Students who have learned only facts have learned very little.
1. 你在学习中更愿意学习抽象的方法、概念、思想,还是学习具体的事例?为什么?请举例说明。
回答: 学习的具体事例,具体的事例能够有一个更加直观的了解,并且有助于记忆。比如在学习光的散射的时候,节能灯的亮度很大程度上受到了散射的影响。
2. 抽象的思想和概念有什么特点?这些特点哪些对于学习有好处?哪些会给学习带来问题?请举例说明。
回答: 由于抽象的概念具有高度的概括性,因而理解起来非常的难。
3. 具体的事例有什么特点?这些特点哪些对于学习有好处?哪些会给学习带来问题?请举例说明。
回答: 具体的事例与生活息息相关,容易让人理解,能激发学生学习的兴趣。有些事例可能仅仅反映了概念的某一方面,而对人们产生误导。
4. 在学习中如何做到“举一反三”?在这个过程中,抽象的思想和具体的事例分别起到了什么作用?请举例说明。
回答: 做到举一反三必须要求一个人学会理解抽象的概念,具体的事例体现抽象的概念,抽象的概念是对事例的提取。
5. 什么样的学习内容更适合学习具体事例?什么样的学习内容更适合学习抽象的思想?请举例说明。
回答: 理工科,管理类的学习。文科类的,比如哲学。
6. 抽象概念和思想与具体的事例之间有什么关系?这些关系会如何影响学习过程?请举例说明。
回答: 具体的事例能让人对抽象的概念有更好的理解。而抽象的概念是一种思维过程的体现,能更有效的反应出事物之间的关系。
From the primary school we are forced to remember a lot of things which we do not atucally understand but only have a consciousness that they are the important knowledge for us to learn. I basically agree witht the contention of the speaker that students should memorized the facts only after they have studied the idea, concept and trends that help explain those facts and for the student who have learned only facts have learned very little.
Actually we should not deny these kind of education mode,but many times we overlook the continuousness of education from the primary school to the higher education. Remember education has became the important mode in the Chinese shool. From the time a student enter the primary shool he have to rememberd a lot of facts which for them has no meaning at all, they are only the thing can win the plaud of parents and high grade in the test. We have to commite the necessaty for such things.For a 6 to 10 years old children, realization for them is possible, at that time their brain has not totally development, but their memory degree is at the best state in their whole life. Base on that the Chinese educaiton is more tend to use this point let children remember the facts which will enact a vital role in their future study like the mutiplication table. That is also the reason why Chinese student have a amazing calculation ability, not stem from their intelligent but actually from the memory in early time. As a result the learned only facts is a necessary way for the early education. Those basic facts establish the firm foundation for the future study.
On the contrary, the higher education should combine with the primary eudcation starting to teach the concept, idea and trend that hide behind those facts. Those things are the essence of the facts. As the actual application, facts can be varity however the inner concept, idear and trend is stable. For a student, the basic task is to gasp those abstruse thing and develope them to invent the new facts. Those internet explores are able to make the website due to their knowledge of the internet agreement. A people will incapability to make any websits if he only imitate other's finished product. The facts on the other hand may only embody the one side of a concept, trend and idea unable to reflect the whole situation. In that case the only memory of the facts may lead the limition of realization for people. However we should also see the point that if the student only staied in the study level of realization he or she may also unable to apply the trend, idea and concept in the reality which more or less violeat the principle for learning those thing. In china many students study is halt in this level they only can solve the problem that simillar with the exmeple despite they have already learned the abstract thing. If the study is not step into the comprehension level this kind of study is like facts memory study learned a little. 
In my opionion, the right learning methos is not the study of trend, idea and concept fitst or the facts memory learing. It is actually should associate those things together. The abstract thing is abstruse and difficult to learn, but the facts on the other hand is easy to study due to its details and closing to the real life. Thus, the study should start from the facts and then extract the abstract concept, idear and  trend which can strengthen the realization in a big degree. Finally use the realization on the various facts reinforce the comprehension. This kine of learning step is not differential the facts and abstract things study seperaly but combine them together which not only avoid the sigularity of the facts but also deepen the realziation of the concep, trend and ideas.
As the final conclusion, we cannot not deny the value of them in the study. The focus on any of it will lead the decrease of effectiveness. In that case peopl should syithesization those two different learning mode in a whole. 
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