TOEFL 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:wii
【IBT机经-9】Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: It is better for children to choose the jobs similar to their parents.
1. 请结合实际谈谈孩子们选择适合自己且利于自身发展的工作需要考虑哪些方面?
回答: 需要找到自己的兴趣,客观的衡量自己的薄弱点和强项,还要结合当前人才市场的需要。 例如,孩子们可以根据自己的兴趣选择划定几个心仪的行业,根据自己能力的强弱和潜力和市场当前的需求来确定具体的工作。
2. 孩子们在选择工作时,是否一定需要考虑自己父母工作的性质和内容,为什么?请结合具体事例简述。
回答: 可以考虑。如果恰恰感兴趣的与父母的工作相同,就可以很方便的借鉴他们的经验,通过他们的阅历来丰富自己对这份工作的认识。但是如果喜欢的与父母的工作迥然不同,可借鉴的东西就少了,但是,孩子身上有父母的影子这个的确是规律。 比如,父母是老师,孩子通常会对演讲,解释更加擅长,那么从事看重这个能力的工作会有较好的发展前景。
3. 如果选择和父母类似的工作,是否会有利于孩子的发展,为什么?家长在其中会起到哪些影响?请结合具体事例简述。
回答: 初期的引导会比较顺利,因为父母通常在自己的业务内更加有人脉,有经验,可以一句中的的教导自己的孩子如何迅速熟悉这个行业。但是整个职业发展不论是什么行业都要靠自己,因为情况是变化的,时代是前进的,总是固守教条,不会有大发展和大突破。
4. 请结合实例谈谈选择和父母不同工作的孩子们是不是更不容易成功?
回答: 我不认为是这样。因为决定是否成功的关键因素不在于工作本身,而在于自身素质。自身素质很高,比如很有毅力,很有思想,悟性,以及很谦和的性格,不论从事什么行业都更容易脱颖而出。在中国有一个人尽皆知的影视明星叫成龙。成龙很小就已经没有和父母在一起生活,而且他们都没有接触过电影。但是成龙很成功,这是因为他足够努力,足够天分,与父母做什么是毫无关系的。
5. 请结合具体事例简述,选择和父母相似的工作与否是不是和自身成功有着必然联系?
回答: 不是的,的确有这样的例子,尤其是在日本,长子一定要继承父业,儿子和父亲的工作一定是有非常大的相似性的,其中的一些人也却是很成功。但是也有很多成功的人,做着和父母截然不同的工作,就像是毛泽东,他的父母只是很普通的农民。反过来讲,如果让毛泽东做农民,我想他可能就不会这么人尽皆知了。
Searching for a job seems to challenge youngsters these days under the global depression.Someone says it's better for children to target jobs similar to their parents so that they have more chances to succeed.While I couldn't approve such an opinion,since it is whether the job suits the child that counts,rather than if the job bears remarkable resemblance to his or her parents'.
Primarily,children don't necessarily inherit the core talent which their parents have for their successful career.It is normal that A father who is a scientist, has a good sense of logic reasoning,however,his son gets a poor math grade.In addition,we are not sure if children would show the same interest to those areas like their parents do.For instance,it's not strange to hear that professors' children hate to speak in public.Or maybe the field in which their parents participate is a sun-set industry.For example,every country need peasants,but comparatively,peasants'number is declining due to the rapid development of mechanization.In this case,it is not wise for peasants to force their children to be peasants again.Therefore,it's not reasonable to say children should inherit their parents'career.
What's more,good personality probably would contribute more to children's successful career,which has little relationship with the jobs themselves.If children own those priorities such as persistency,honesty,good manners,they are prone to succeed in any industry.Jackey Chen is a famous film star all over the world,who is well-known for his fearlessness and diligence.He achieved his numerous goals by his outstanding personal characteristics,not because he works in a similar area just like their parents.
I have to admitted that sometimes certain family do become prosperous by carrying on a career generation by generation.This is most common in Japan.The eldest son steps into his father's shoes after his father's death.But we also see Mao,being a leader in the liberation of China,quit to be a rural teacher or a farmer working in the fields.If he did the similar job as his parents,he may not be so great and repected by all the Chinese.
Like all that I said,even if it's viable for youngsters to rely on their parents by choosing similar jobs,they can only enjoy the benefit once in a while.Life is a long journey,and only you can determine your future.Afterall,there is no shortcut through our career success.Therefore,I am determined to disagree the opinion that it's better for children to choose the jobs similar to their parents,for those two things are not invirably linked.
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