TOEFL 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:weiwei
Some people say that computers have made life easier and more convenient. Other people say that computers have made life more complex and stressful. What is your opinion? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
1. 你经常使用电子计算机吗?它在你的生活中起着怎样的作用?
回答: 我经常使用电脑。电脑在我生活中起着一个非常重要的作用,我的工作是跟网络和教育相关,所以我的大部分工作都是在电脑上完成的;除了工作,生活中电脑也是必不可少的一部分,我会用电脑娱乐、购物,满足基本的生活需求,比如我会在电脑上看电影,跟朋友保持联系,而网上购物也占了我生活很大一部分。总而言之,电脑是我生活中必不可少的一部分。
2. 生活中有哪些方面在计算机的帮助下方便多了?
回答: 比如生活娱乐方面,可以看到比较新的电影、电视剧;比如社交方面,可以跟远在天边的朋友保持联系,可以和全世界联系起来;比如工作方面,有了电脑的帮助,可以高效率处理很多数据,可以处理很多文件。
3. 而有了计算机以后,人们的生活又会增添什么麻烦?
回答: 有了计算机,人们可能因为花费太多时间在电脑前而没有足够的时间做其他的事情,比如健身,比如和家人相处;有的时候人们过于重视虚拟世界的,而忽略了真实的现实生活。
4. 如果没有计算机的出现,人们的生活会有什么改变?
回答: 如果没有计算机,人们的生活会变得不方便,需要更多的时间做好一件事。
5. 类似计算机这种高科技产品的发展,它们给人们带去了什么影响?
回答: 类似计算机这种高科技产品,会彻底改变人们生活的方式,从而改变人们的行为、改变人们的一切。
Computer has so involved in people's lives that the discussion about it never gets cold.Some advocates it while others suggest the computer has made life stressful and complex. As far as I am concerned, there is no doubt that the computer has made people's life more convenient and easy.
Computer and Internet has changed people's lifestyle by all means. With the help of the computer, people have developed new ways in everyday life, such as shopping. Ten years ago, a small group of people in China started supporting small business online. At that time, few people shopped online. They couldn't accept it. How can I buy things from someone I barely know? How should I pay? What happened if I don't like it or there is something wrong about it? Too many obstacles made shopping online impossible. But ten year later, more and more people are now shopping in China and that small group of people has made it a huge success. For customers, they can choose whatever they want anywhere and anytime. They can make the pay in a safe way and if they are not satisfied with the goods, they can replace or return it. For small businessmen, they get a place to make a living or even a fortune. Shopping have been given more meanings right now and all the reasons behind it are about the computer.
Besides the lifestyle, computer also has changed the way of thinking and working. Computer helps people to deal with data and numbers in a much easier way and along with all the data, a new revolution has been going on. Take the prediction of disease as an example. In the past decades, if we want to prevent and predict a breakout of a disease, say a flu, we need to work hard with numbers, which are collected from the hospital, from the supervise departments, from all the organizations and it will take a lot of time. Besides, the prediction sometimes don't work or are too late. Nowadays, computer has been in everyday's life in America and if they want to find information, the first thing they do is to find it out on Internet.In the flu prediction case, a big Internet company collect all these searching data relating to flu, they made a math calculation with the computer, analyzed it, compared with the past data, which were also stored on the computer, and finally got the results. It turned out to be very useful. Since all these work has been conducted on the computer, it is much more faster and accurate.
Computer did changed people's lives in such ways as working, shopping, communicating with others and entertaining ourselves. Sometimes it is easy to get obsessed with it or it occupies our life and we don't spent enough time with our family or friends.
But by no means, computer is making our life better and better. What we need to do is to avoid spending too much time before the computer and enjoy all the convenience it brings.
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