GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:buyiming
Scholars and researchers should not be concerned with whether their work makes a contribution to the larger society. It is more important that they pursue their individual interests, however unusual or idiosyncratic those interests may seem.
1. 一个研究者做自己感兴趣的研究有什么好处?有什么缺点?这些好处或缺点能对研究对社会的贡献造成什么影响?请举例说明。
回答: 好处:会更认真,会更有激情。 坏处:容易走进死胡同。贡献:chuck Thacker 对电脑的兴趣使得他得了 turing Award
2. 研究者会因为什么原因做自己不感兴趣的研究?这样做有什么好处?有什么缺点?这些好处和缺点能对研究对社会的贡献造成什么影响?请举例说明。
回答: 出于利益,迫于生计而做一些能赚钱担不是自己喜欢的研究。好处:赚钱。缺点:不开心。影响:学术造假。
3. 研究者的兴趣太少见有什么好处?有什么缺点?这些好处或缺点能对研究对社会的贡献造成什么影响?请举例说明。
回答: 可能研究到无人的领域。也可能没有出路。
4. 除了兴趣以外,研究者的研究会受到哪些外界因素的影响(比如社会的刚性需求等)?这些因素哪些会影响到研究对社会的贡献?请举例说明。
回答: 道德,对克隆人有兴趣但是不能研究。扰乱社会。
5. 研究者在社会发展过程中扮演了什么角色?他们的责任是什么?这些社会责任要求他们的研究必须满足什么条件?请举例说明。
回答: 科技进步的推动者。社会稳定的维护者。
As the society developed, we  care more about  if scholars and reseachers can contribute to the world than care about weather they pursue their own interests.however,in my view we should not do so.And I will not stop believing that a man should follow his own interest when they do their reseaching.

There are several reasons why i agree  scholars and researchers  should do  study  under  their intrests even it seems unacceptable by us.To begin with,Confucius had said "Knowing a thing is not as good as interest of it while fondness of it ranks the best"。I t means interst is the best  teacher,likewise  interest  can generat enthusiasm which as we all know can help them through difficulties.  In the next stage,here is a good example that  can support my reasons. Thuck Thacker ,2011 Turing Award winner,show great intersts in computer.Because of the intersts ,he worked  so hard that become one of the inventors of Ether LAN.He changed the world  by pursue his intersts. It is ture that  scholars and researchers  should seek their  individuality, but   everything  has tow aspect  ,when a man pursue his intersts excessively,he maybe go far from the right and become self-will which can make him be separated from the outside world.Then,alienated from reality,he will not contribute to the society.
However,when  scholars and resarchers ignore their intersts and choose research area which is just needed by the society ,they usually cannot make a big diffience .Because  they  come to the area with a unhappy feeling.So they will not concentrate on their research.Then do a not good  work.  what a worse is that  they can not  get achievement..To illustrate this point ,here is a case that is very persuasive. Nowadays   academic fraud become more and more familiar.The crux of the matter is because there is no interest to adhere to the study.So  plagiarism,
share research results of others, or forgery, modification of data, academic
corruption  are  born . For one thing  they do not pay because of  their dislike,for another they what to be successful quickly  because of the utilitarian society.  In  fact, if they  enjoy the process ,and don't  care the consequence,there will be few academic fraud. Nonetheless,sometimes 
in order to meet the societal needs,they should call for a balace in  which there are both  intersts and  responsibility.
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