GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:孙熙领
Scholars and researchers should not be concerned with whether their work makes a contribution to the larger society. It is more important that they pursue their individual interests, however unusual or idiosyncratic those interests may seem.
1. 一个研究者做自己感兴趣的研究有什么好处?有什么缺点?这些好处或缺点能对研究对社会的贡献造成什么影响?请举例说明。
回答: 好处:能够对研究更投入,可能会带来很卓越的成就。 缺点:可能研究者的兴趣对社会没有多大贡献或者贡献很小。 例如:关于克隆技术的研究,如果研究者的兴趣在如何利用克隆技术治疗现阶段不能治疗的病之上,则对社会有益;如果研究者的兴趣在如何克隆人之上,则触碰了道德的底线。
2. 研究者会因为什么原因做自己不感兴趣的研究?这样做有什么好处?有什么缺点?这些好处和缺点能对研究对社会的贡献造成什么影响?请举例说明。
回答: 经费问题 这样做可能研究者会有足够的经费,能够展开研究,缺点是不是研究者感兴趣的内容,研究者可能不会很投入,成果可能不会很显著。 例如:在战争时期,国家为了战争的胜利,大部分科学家的研究主题会和战争有关系。这样的好处是研究者会有充足的经费,缺点是研究的不是感兴趣的问题,不能充分的让自己投入,不能为社会做出更大的贡献。
3. 研究者的兴趣太少见有什么好处?有什么缺点?这些好处或缺点能对研究对社会的贡献造成什么影响?请举例说明。
回答: 好处:可能在这一方面有所突破 缺点:不被人理解,科研经费不足 例如:居里夫人研究镭的过程中,很少有人会对对身体造成严重危害的化学元素感兴趣,而居里夫人在极其恶劣的环境下,寻找到了镭元素,这使人类迈向了核能技术。
4. 除了兴趣以外,研究者的研究会受到哪些外界因素的影响(比如社会的刚性需求等)?这些因素哪些会影响到研究对社会的贡献?请举例说明。
回答: 还要受到社会外界环境的影响。比如说战争事情战争时期,国家要求各行各业为战争服务,科学家的研究也会受到大方面的影响。
5. 研究者在社会发展过程中扮演了什么角色?他们的责任是什么?这些社会责任要求他们的研究必须满足什么条件?请举例说明。
回答: 扮演了社会发展助推器的作用。他们的责任是促进社会的进步,科技的发展。研究必须满足不能危害社会。 例如:现在全世界都在禁止发展核武器,研究者不应该也不能研究核武器,核武器会危害世界的安全。
I believe that scholars and researchers have to be concerned with whether their work makes a contribution to the larger society. Although their interests is important, contributions to society is more important than the issue state.
First of all, it is no wonder that interest is the best teacher. If scholars and researchers pursue their individual interests, they are most likely to devote themselves. Even they meet a huge surplus of difficulties, they will seek through various means to defend difficulties because they like their research. Madame Curie present an appropriate case for demonstrating this viewpoint. Madame Curie who was a physicist and chemist of French was the first person honored with two Nobel Prizes, receiving one in physics and later, one in chemistry. Her research interest focus on radioactive element. She was powerfully drawn to radioactive element. Although her family is not wealth, she and her husband saved a huge surplus of money to buy pitch for their experiment. Eventually, she was the first to find the element radium. This is an excellent example of how interest catalyzed research.
However, scholars and researcher can't ignore the importance of contribution to the larger society. Because contribution to society is important than scientist's interests. And evaluation of scientific research is whether research result can contribute to the society or not. Scientific research, in the full sense of the word, should be confined by moral restriction and law. Cloning present an appropriate case for demonstrating this viewpoint. In biology, cloning which is used to create copies of organisms, cells, or DNA fragments is the process of asexual reproduction. If the technology of cloning is used in the research of gene therapy, it is an ideal technique to cure the disease, such as cancer and AIDS, which endanger human life. However, cloning can't contribute to society and will bring a range of ethical issues if it is used to clone ordinary people. Cloning scientist should put their interests in moral restriction and law. Therefore, scientists can't only pursue their individual interests.
Finally, scholars and researcher should do their research without obey moral standard and law. Moral standard and law is the basis whereby result of research can contribute to the society. Nuclear technology present an appropriate example to demonstrate the viewpoint. Nuclear  is an ideal technique for solving the energy crisis. Its powerful energy is the basis whereby people can enjoy the prolific energy. But when nuclear technique was applied in weapon, it will bring disaster to our planet. It is no wonder that almost every countries in the world forbidden nuclear technique to use in military. This is an excellent example of why scientists should do their research under moral standard and law.
Therefore, contribution to the society is more important than scientist's individual interests. And scientist should do their research under moral standard and law in order to catalyze contribution for society.
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