GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:霍华德
A school or college should pay its teachers at the same rate in all disciplines, regardless of differences in salaries for related fields in the world outside of school. For example, entry-level teachers in mathematics and in the arts should receive the same pay, even if outside of school, math specialists earn a much higher salary on average than do specialists in the arts.
本题的切入点很多,第一,你可以讨论学校应该按照“级别”还是“行业类别”来制定薪酬体系,从而论述你是否同意学校的这种做法。第二,你可以讨论决定薪水高低的因素,以及薪酬体系的制定方法,从而论述学校的做法是否合理。第三,你还可以考虑各种学校(包括中学,大学等)的特征,以及这些特征和薪酬体系制定之间的关系,从而论述你是否认可学校的做法。当然, 无论你从哪个角度写,都要着力解释为什么你认可或者不认可学校的做法,而不能单纯解释数学老师为什么薪水应该或不应该比艺术老师高。
1. 社会上不同的行业出现薪水差异的原因是什么?请从社会生产需求,从业者劳动强度,从业者对社会的贡献等角度进行阐述,并举例说明。
回答: 不同行业出现薪水差异的主要原因之一是薪水的分配不均,在我国,一次分配重视效率,二次分配重视公平,势必导致工资出现差异,体力劳动者的工资远远不如脑力劳动者。同时,现在社会以经济建设为中心,稀缺的人才薪水较高,而相对来说供给量加大的就业群体,如农民工群体,以及刚毕业的大学生,薪水普遍偏低,用人单位与求职者的供需远远不平衡,造成了薪水低。举例来说,现在我校商学院的老师月薪数万,而其他院系的老师远远达不到这个水平,主要是因为其迎合了经济建设的风向,从贡献角度,我认为任何一个人,指从业者,对社会或多或少都有贡献,农民工和大学教授对社会都有不可或缺的贡献,因此不能从这一角度进行分析。
2. 哪些因素会影响到学校的薪酬体系制定?这些因素中哪些是可以忽略行业差异的?哪些不能?请举例说明。
回答: 学校会依据教师的职称、教学工作量、行政工作量、科研成果数量等评估教师的工资,事实上,这些都是全行业适用的,企业员工也可能会依据其职务以及业绩来评估其实际工资。
3. 学校的从事某个专业的教师和社会上从事同样专业的从业人员在工作内容,工作性质等方面有什么区别?这些区别是否会影响到单位薪酬体系的制定?请举例说明。
回答: 有区别,比如说,学校中研究社会现象的人可以被称作社会学家,他们有政府的专项经费,而在社会中,不考虑社科院等官方机构,其他人研究社会现象多是出于对时局的关心,一般来说只是副业,没有专项经费。
4. 如果学校考虑行业差异来制定薪酬体系,会有什么好处?又会出现哪些问题?请举例说明。
回答: 好处:按劳分配,适应经济发展 坏处:不利于长期稳定发展
5. 中学和大学的教师有什么区别?这两类学校是否应该使用同样的薪酬体系制定方案?为什么?请举例说明。
回答: 不应该,中学老师不需要科研,教学是主要目标,而且中学老师的薪酬体系应该与学生的成绩相挂钩,而大学则不应该以学生的成绩为论断标准,而是综合考量教师的各项工作。
Nowadays, many school and collage discuss that whether pay teachers the same wage in different fields, no matter what the wage gap between the outer school  and inner school is huge or not. Personally, I think schools should never pay the same salary in different position, for example art and mathematics , because the importance of math and art is not equal.

For my perspective, paying the same wage to all fields' teacher is unfair. For instance, my uncle is an art teacher in a college, his work is print traditional draw, and he stay at home all day long to print with hot tea supply, it is considerably  relaxing, and he devoted himself to it, he think that printing is a lifestyle, not a job. However, my brother is a physical teacher, he has to stay at laboratory all day long to do research about high energy particles which is very dangerous due to the ray. In addition, my brother is hardly back home in a whole week, the tired of him can never be exaggerated.So, who do you think to be pay more? I think it is my brother, because his cost is high, his revenue should be higher.

In addition, if all the teachers has the same wage, their motive of hard working will be decrease sharply because they are able to acquire the same pay even they never work, obviously, it is unfair. What worse, none teacher would ever work under that circumstance which people can get paid without working. It is harmful for our society.

However, we should decrease the gap between different fields in order to let all the people have a decent life, and create a harmony society.

In conclusion, schools should never be pay teachers the same wage in different fields, no matter what the wage gap between the outer school  and inner school is huge or not.
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