GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:杨璐_850
In order to improve the quality of instruction at the college and university level, all faculty should be required to spend time working outside the academic world in professions relevant to the courses they teach.
1. 描述一个你认为优秀的大学教师,他/她在教学过程中除了体现学术方面的高水平外,还体现出了什么非学术的能力?
回答: 做项目等实践能力
2. 对于教师来说,哪些问题是与所授课程相关的非学术问题?这些问题会对教学起到什么作用?请举例说明。
回答: 做项目。可以让学生更有实践性。
3. 教师的哪些素质会影响到大学的教学质量?这些素质哪些是学术方面的,哪些是非学术方面的?请举例说明。
4. 教师花时间来研究与课程相关的非学术问题有什么好处?有什么弊端?请举例说明。
 Nowadays, it is a common practice that staffs of the universities go outside the academic world to do some programmes in relevant to the courses they teach. And the schools and society just encourage them to do so. Generally speaking, I can't entirely agree with this practice.
 On the one hand, I agree that it is necessary to spend some time working outside the academic world for professors and researchers of some certain fields such as computer technology, electrical engineering and medical science. As these majors have closed correlation with the real life, and the empoyers often emphasis on the practical abilities when select employees of these fields. So, the professors of these majors had better enhance the practical skills themselves in order to better instruct the students. Thus students can learn to practical need so as to make themselves more competent in their careers.
  On the other hand, I can't accept the notion that all faculty in the universities need to do so. Consider some subjects of pure theory, such as mathematics or classical physics. How the professors or researchers in these fields can apply what they have learned to practice? Consider C.F.Gauss or Albert Einstain Few of the giants who make achievement in these fields have ever worked ouside the academics. What contribute to their success are just their persistent studying into the pure theory.
 In addition, the faculty of colleages work outside too often can result in the decline of the instruting quality, Which can make the students can't learn the knowledge well, let alone apply it into practice. What's more, it can lead to a side practice that many professors spend most of their time doing projects outside the school to earn extra money. They even don't have time to regard the students' studying conditions.
 All in all, professors in some certain majors is indeed necessary to introduce some practical experience into their courses by spending time working outside the academics, while to the professors for majors mainly composed of theories, there is no need for them to work outside. Moreover, the professors must balance their time in academics and their time spended doing practice carefully to avoid the decline if the teaching quality
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