GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:刘同舟
In order to improve the quality of instruction at the college and university level, all faculty should be required to spend time working outside the academic world in professions relevant to the courses they teach.
1. 描述一个你认为优秀的大学教师,他/她在教学过程中除了体现学术方面的高水平外,还体现出了什么非学术的能力?
回答: 讲演能力,传达知识的能力,引起学生的兴趣; 善于发现学生的问题,纠正他们;
2. 对于教师来说,哪些问题是与所授课程相关的非学术问题?这些问题会对教学起到什么作用?请举例说明。
回答: 相关研究的发现史,相关科学家的生平、奇闻异事。 引起学生的兴趣
3. 教师的哪些素质会影响到大学的教学质量?这些素质哪些是学术方面的,哪些是非学术方面的?请举例说明。
回答: 认真求实,寓教于乐;求实严谨是学术所必须的,引起学生的兴趣是非学术的。
4. 教师花时间来研究与课程相关的非学术问题有什么好处?有什么弊端?请举例说明。
回答: 完善对学科的认识,从宏观的角度理解学科,有利指导研究学术问题; 弊端:花费时间
We must have heard an old allegory that the lowest piece of wood decides the volume of a bucket. It is a prime example to explain why faculty should spend time working outside the world of academic research. I fundamently agree with the speaker that it would improve the quality of instruction,
Above all, if a professor teaches only academic knowlege, students might loss their interests quickly. It is  too arduous to coverge one's attention all the time during almost an hour, so introducing anecdotes about courses contributes to attract students. When come to the structure of benzene, a story of a dream coming from Kekule,a famous German Chemist, is a proper example. There was no convincing description of the structure of beneze before the brith of the fantastic dream of Kekule. One afternoon, When Kekule was confused with that structure, he come into dream. In his dream, he found a snake nipping its tail. He immediatly weaked up and compared the structure of beneze to this snake. Through revising it several times, Kekule successed to depict this uncanny structure. These kinds of stody are easy to warm classes, and may enlighten students of even professors to earn some special ideas. 
On the other hand, it is indispensible for universities to combine academic world with reality. When considering reality, academic research would be aimed at human demands. If these researches fit human demands suitably, peolpe would invest these researches constantly to ensure headway of them. In addition, human demands, which equal human ideology to some degree, restrict progress of research in an appropriate direction. For example, drugs to which some people are rashly addicted should be forbidden to exploit, because they are regarded as a factor that does harm to public health and increases crime rate.
Furthermore, students can earn specific information in these classes involving real circumstances. Some students view finding a joy as the first goal after they graduate from university; Thus, specific information about occupation is significant for them. In my university, there are various lecture courses about enployment before senior students graduating. These lecture courses usually absorbed lots of students besides even numerous freshmans and sophomores. It implys the fact that students should improve themselves in order to face employment pressure, otherwise, they might find no job. 
Finally, undue emphasis on spending time on other aspects of professions distracts professors' attention from academic filed. We have only 24 hours a day, and one's vigor usually restrains what he or she wants to do with. If one wants two what he or she can not afford both, one might lose both. A story of greed is a good example of this case. In Afica,a pythen and an alligator usually encounter each other. A photographer has recorded a mounment. A pythen was died, for it underestimated the bulk of a alligator and engulfed the whole alligater. When it comes to the aguement above, professors should consider their voger and make a porper division between academic field and others.
In sum, it is necessary for professors to focus attention on their own academic world, but professors should also care other aspects of their professions.fauna
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