TOEFL 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:想拍彩色照
Some high schools require all students to wear school uniforms. Other high schools permit students to decide what to wear to school. Which of these two school policies do you think is better? Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.
1. 你正在念的(或是念过的)高中是否要求你们穿着统一的校服?你喜欢这样的做法吗?
回答: 要求,现在看来应该是比较喜欢的
2. 穿校服上学有什么好处和问题?
回答: 好处:1、不容易有攀比心理2、集中更多的精力学习3、有利于团结 坏处:1、没有张扬个性2、个体之间没有区别
3. 穿便服上学有什么好处和问题?
回答: 好处:1、张扬个性2、体现不同个体区别3、培养想象力 坏处:1、容易攀比2、容易歧视不利于学生团结3、分散精力
As modern society develops ,people will pay more attention to their wearing and beauty.At this time personality plays a more essential role in our life, and this is where the controversy arises, specially in school.Some high schools require all students to wear school's of great benefit to students.Meanwhile,those who disagree with it cite that other schools permit students to decide what to wear to school.From my own perspective, the prior one is more favorable.
The first reason I want to put forward is that students can pay more attention to their study while they wear school uniform since they don't spend much time selecting what they need to wear.I remembered when I was in high school we required to wear school uniforms .Every one worn the same clothes. We didn't think about who was more beautiful with uniform,as we were similar.So we devoted our heart and soul to study.But my friend Tom who didn't require to wear school uniform wore unusually different and wonderful clothes.He told me when he goes to school he needs to spend approximate 30 minutes to decide what he wants to wear every day.In the end when we took the same examinations,I was always better than him.This experience gives me a full understanding of uniform.
The second reason to prove the significance of uniform is that uniform not only do students build  team work,but also reduce a situation which students compete wealth which their parents have.if students wear what they want,the rich students are able to buy expensive clothes to wear and the poor students just choice common clothes.Maybe sometimes the rich laugh at the poor on their lead to break up building a  team and it also harm physical of the poor.for instance in my friend Tom's school,a girl who wore common blue clothes,with not beautiful but clear.when she passed though the classroom,her classmates who wear a beautiful white NIKE sport clothes laughed at her clothes with no brand.This incident my friend told me strikes me tremendously and makes me realize how significant of uniform
However,the disadvantages can not be easily left out even though tremendous lie in benefiting of of the defect is that uniforms can not express students' characteristic or it may kill students' imagination by designing and painting.But as a student I think now our assignment is study for it may benefit humans not only in the percent but also in the future and we can build our creative skill in the future life.
From what have been discussed above, I believe that school need to require all students to wear school uniforms rather than permitting students to decide what to wear to is a effective way to benefit for students .And what is more,the more we focus, the higher achievement we will have.
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