GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:Alice_918
To truly understand your own culture—no matter how you define it—requires personal knowledge of at least one other culture, one that is distinctly different from your own.
1. 和中国文化明显不同的文化有哪些?和中国文化类似的文化又哪些?什么样的两中文化才是“明显不同”的?请举例并简述。
回答: 起源不同的文化,相互之间不曾有过交流的文化。
2. 当自己的文化和另外一种截然不同的文化进行对比的时候,你首先会思考什么?同另外一种文化的对比能给你去了解本国文化提供哪些帮助?
回答: 会思考原因,是什么因素演变成如今截然不同的两种状态,那种因素起了关键的作用。对于本国的文化范畴会有认识,对于本国文化的内容会有一定的理解。
3. 如果不和其他文化做对比,能否真正了解自己的文化?对文化的哪些方面是可以的?哪些方面又是不可以的?请举例并简述。
回答: 不能真正了解自己的文化但是有一些方面是可以的比如说通过礼仪,节日庆典是可以对于自己本国文化的宗教信仰,人们的价值观有一定的了解。
4. 文化都有哪些特征?了解自己文化的目的是是什么?如何去了解一个文化?
回答: 普遍性,在不同过的行为,事物中都体现着文化的影子。区域性,不同环境中人们的文化不同,临近区域的文化会呈现相似性。继承性,文化的传承源远流长,传统文化的继承。发展性,文化也是在发展中的事物,比如说一些网络文化。
Culture is the thing embody everywhere. Your behavior, altitude and character reflect the culture all the time. It is ubiquitous from the basic etiquette to the literature. Unable to see or touch but we can clearly feel it exist. We may fail to say something is the culture, but we always say something embody the culture. I basically agree with the speaker that in order to truly understand your own culture, you should at least requires the knowledge of at least one other culture. One that is distinctly different from your own.
Without a comparison, people can definetly realize their culture, but can hardly reach the level of truly understant. We cannot deny throught the traiditonal festival, etiquette and literature we can have a consciousess that such thing reflect our culture. However such thing is only restricted to a dim level unable to point out the denfinit content. Comparison help people point out the differences and similarities, designating the content of culture let people realise the triffle in our normal daily life may be the result of the culture affect. We may fail to point out that the secretive and reserved which are the two characters widely accepted by Chinese respresent the culture from the foreign people. We may unabel to tell that the chopstick we use everyday, the yellow cap which every primary students have to wear and radio gymnastic exercise, all the staff embody the differential culture.
On the other hand, we should also have a clear awareness that what the speaker mean "truly understand" is not base on the degree of realization, it should ascend in a higher lever. In that case, the comparision can simply resolve the recognition problem telling people what is the culture may contain, where can we find it, whereas lack of the denfinite information about the originailty of the culture. The appearence of the culture may confused people making them trap in a labyrith. To entangle the diverstiy fact, people need to have a deep study of the national culture longitudinally. Starring from the hisrory seeking the reason causing the present phenomenon, following the development should we have a clear thought of the meaning of culture. If we only see the character different between the westn and easten culture, which the open and personality may better ilucidate their culture, we cannot realise that the thing root in western people's character stem from the reconition of  competence, eastern country from the other point originate their highly value of the harmony.
From this point, in order to reach the understand level, the selfstudy is indispensible. At the same time the realisation of the nearby culture may strenghten our understanding of it. For instance, Although the Budiism is stem from the India, the Buddhism culture in China has a large different to the india. In India the benefection of food to monk is seen as cultivating virtue, hence the monk do not need to worry about the food, on the contrary, in china every monestery live a self-sufficiency life which cultivate the commertial developement, monk have to consider the way to maintain the monestery be wildely worship for the money thry need to live.
In the final conclusion. the speaker may only put attantion on the outset realization of one own culture which the comparison consitude the majority part. Insteadly, to truly understand one culture, the comparsion is far enough. The deep study of culture through various of information may be seen as a vital way to hit the target. 
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